Title Depresivnost kod djece i mladih
Author Sergej Ćelap
Mentor Marina Đuranović (mentor)
Committee member Marina Đuranović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenko Braičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Klasnić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology
Abstract Depresivnost je jedan od najraširenijih i najčešćih poremećaja današnjice. Spada u internalizirane poremećaje ili poremećaje pretjerano kontroliranog ponašanja. To je emocionalno stanje karakterizirano osjećajima tuge, neraspoloženja, žalosti i utučenosti koje danas predstavlja univerzalno i sve učestalije životno iskustvo suvremenog čovjeka. Životna događanja (promjene) i utjecajni društveni faktori mogu biti okidač za pojavu depresije. Uzroci također mogu biti biološki ili genetski. Depresivnost pogađa sve dobne skupine, ali ne svaku na isti način, istim intenzitetom i trajanjem. Također kod svake skupine su različiti uzroci s obzirom na dob i životno iskustvo. Prije se mislilo da je depresija bolest od koje obolijevaju samo odrasli, ali kasnije se pokazalo da to nije tako. U predškolskoj i školskoj dobi teže je prepoznati kliničku sliku, ali u adolescenciji je već lakše jer je to razdoblje najburnijih promjena i simptomi su vidljiviji. Jedna od opasnosti kod ovog poremećaja je čin samoubojstva. Suicid nije poremećaj sam po sebi nego jedan od mogućih ishoda teže depresije. Mlade ljude treba u prvom redu osposobljavati za samopomoć, samosvladavanje i samozaštitu, kao i za uzajamnu pomoć u čuvanju te unapređivanju mentalnog i tjelesnog zdravlja, poučiti ih i objektivno informirati o svim štetnim posljedicama koje mogu nastupiti kao proizvod sumanutih razmišljanja, ideja i nepromišljenog ponašanja. Depresija utječe na život pojedinca tako da narušava odnose s bliskim osobama a i postoji mogućnost uporabe sredstava ovisnosti. Liječi se različitim vrstama psihoterapije i/ili farmakološkim sredstvima. Najučinkovitijim se pokazala kombinacija svih načina liječenja. Učinkovito se pokazao i psihoedukativni rad s učiteljima u vezi ovog poremećaja. On je svakako potreban kako bi nastavnik prepoznao simptome i pružio potporu djetetu u kriznim situacijama.
Abstract (english) Depression is one of the most widespread and common disorders of today. It belongs to internalized disorders or disorders of over-controlled behavior. This emotional state is characterized by feelings of sadness, sorrow, inactivity, and represents the universal and increasingly frequent life experience of modern man. Life events (changes) and influential social factors can be a trigger for depression. Causes can also be biological or genetic. Depression affects all age groups, but not everyone in the same way, with the same intensity or persistence. Also, each group has different causes with regard to age and life experience. It was generally thought that depression was a disease that affected only adults, but it turned out that it was not. It is more difficult to diagnose it at preschool and school age, but in adolescence it is easier because it is a period of the most turbulent change and the symptoms are more visible. One of the dangers of this disorder is that it can lead to suicide. Suicide is not a disorder in itself, but one of the possible outcomes of severe depression.Young people should be taught first and foremost for self-help and self-protection, as well as helped to preserve and promote mental and physical health. They should be objectively informed of all the harmful consequences that may arise as a product of reckless thinking, ideas and behavior. Depression affects the life of an individual by disturbing relationships with close people and can lead to the use of addictive agents. It is treated with different types of psychotherapy and / or pharmacological agents. The combination of all treatments has proven to be the most effective. Psychological educational work with teachers on this disorder has also shown to be effective. It is certainly needed in order for the teacher to recognize the symptoms and to support the child in crisis situations.
problemi u ponašanju
uzroci i simptomi
Keywords (english)
bihevioral problems
simptoms and causes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:575790
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-09-30 09:01:05