Title Igra i glazba
Author Lucija Tolić
Mentor Jelena Blašković (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Blašković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Svetlana Novaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepko Rupčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Igra je temeljna aktivnost svakog djeteta. Ona je spontana i slobodna. Kroz igru dijete ima priliku pokazati sve što zna i sve što može. Igra mora biti primjerena razvojnim karakteristikama djeteta, dobi i interesu, a prostor i pomagala u kojem se igra odvija mora biti siguran i pravilno opremljen. Igra nije samo zabava, ona povoljno utječe na sve dječje organe, na razvoj motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti, na razvoj govora, pobuđuje emocije i razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti. Kroz razne igre pretvaranja, građenja, društvene igre ili igre s pravilima koje su primjerene dobi, dijete se razvija, razvija kreativnost, spretnost, preciznost i mnoge druge sposobnosti. Igrajući se dijete neprimjetno uči, a stečeno znanje kvalitetno je i trajno. Glazba je svuda oko nas i život bez nje postaje nezamisliv. Snaga i moć glazbe ogledaju se kroz njen utjecaj na individualan razvoj pojedinca, njegovo odrastanje i ponašanje. Glazba budi različite osjećaje i raspoloženja. Sramežljivoj djeci glazbene aktivnosti pomažu da se lakše izraze, da kroz pjesmu i igru sudjeluju i komuniciraju s drugom djecom. Glazba je značajna za razvoj djeteta, pozitivno utječe na sve djetetove sposobnosti, pomaže u razvoju njegove inteligencije, socijalnih vještina, lakšeg izražavanja emocija te razumijevanja sebe i drugih. Važno je da se svi susreti djeteta s glazbom ostvaruju putem igre, jer tako se dijete razvija, uči i bogati svoja iskustva. Za razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti važan je poticaj okoline, počevši od roditelja, odgajatelja do učitelja. Djecu bi trebalo poticati na vlastito izražavanje glazbom kroz glazbene igre. Glazbene aktivnosti u vrtiću se provode svakodnevno i mogu biti dio bilo koje druge aktivnosti.
Abstract (english) Playing is the main activity of every child. It is spontaneous and free. Through playing the child has the opportunity to show everything hit knows and everything it can do. The game must be appropriate to the child's developmental characteristics, age and interest. The space and aids in which the play takes place must be secure and properly equipped. Playing is not only fun, it has a positive effect on all organs of the child, the development of motor skills and functional abilities, the development of speech, arouses emotions and the development of musical abilities. Through various games of transformation, construction, board games or rule-appropriate games, the child develops creativity, dexterity, precision and many other abilities. Trough playing child learns easily, and the acquired knowledge is quality and lasting. Music is all around us and life without it becomes unthinkable. The straight and power of music is reflected through its influence on an individual's development, growth and behavior. Music awakens different emotions and moods. For shy children, music activities help them express themselves more easily, and helps them to interact with other children through song and play. Music is important for a child's development, positively affects the entire child's abilities, helps develop his or hers intelligence, social skills, easier expression of emotions, and understanding of themselves and others. It is important that all encounters of the child with music are realized through play, because this is how the child develops, learns and enriches its experiences. Encouraging the environment, from parents, educators to teachers is important for the development of musical abilities. Children should be encouraged to express themselves musically through music games. Music activities in kindergarten are used daily and can be part of any other activity.
glazbene aktivnosti
glazbene igre
Keywords (english)
musical activities
music games
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:235619
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-09-30 09:24:32