Title Matematika kroz pričanje priča
Author Lana Posedi
Mentor Goran Trupčević (mentor)
Committee member Goran Trupčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Svetlana Novaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božica Vuić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Mathematics and Statistics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Prilagođavajući se promjenama društva i udaljavajući se od tradicionalnog poučavanja, nastava koja se provodi u školama primorana je mijenjati zastarjele načine provođenja nastave. Moderna nastava teži stjecanju cjeloživotnog znanja te zaobilazi tradicionalne načine usvajanja gradiva. Matematika, mnogim učenicima izazovna, u potrazi je za novim načinima funkcioniranja kako bi zaobišla tradicionalnu formu u kojoj učitelj govori o gradivu, zatim rješava primjer te slijedi iscrpno rješavanje zadataka. Posljedica takve nastave jest monotonost koja rezultira učenjem napamet. Jedan od načina zaobilaženja tradicionalnog predavanja jesu priče. Pričanje priča je oblik u kojemu mašta i kreativnost imaju glavnu ulogu dok je usvajanje znanja spontana reakcija. Matematika kroz pričanje priča donosi sasvim novu dimenziju sticanja znanja kroz slike koje učenik može stvoriti kao slušatelj. Isto tako, uključivanjem učenika u priču potiče se njihova aktivnost te se pažnja preusmjerava te zadržava. Cilj ovog rada je približiti pričanje priče kao nastavnog alata koji, kroz igru i na zabavan način, može približiti nastavno gradivo matematike. Rad donosi opće informacije o priči, elemente koje su potrebni za uspješno pričanje priče kao što je naputak za pripovjedača, važnost prostora i atmosfere za pričanje priče. Opisuje uporabu priča u nastavnim procesima općenito te, specifično, korištenje priča u nastavi matematike. Također, rad sadrži istraživanje o mogućnostima korištenja priča u nastavi matematike koje je provedeno u 1. razredu. Prikazana je provedba tri sata matematike koja sadržava stvarne s detaljnim opisima radnji, reakcija i odgovora učenika te misli i dvojbi koje su učiteljici u tim trenucima prolazili kroz glavu. Prije svakog sata postavljana su očekivanja od sata te je nakon sata napravljena analiza.
Abstract (english) Adjusting to the social changes and getting away from traditional school system, teaching is forsed to change old ways of learning. Modern teaching methods are heading to easier learning, getting lifelong knowledge and getting away from traditional school system. Mathematics can be challenging for most of the students. Modern Mathematics is searching for ways to make it more understandable and getting away from old form: teacher would speak about the subject, there would be an example and then students would solve the tasks. In many cases, this kind of teaching leads to tedious and exhausting learning. As a result, Mathematics is often brought to learning facts without understand them. One of ways to get away from traditional learning is by Storytelling. Storytelling is a form where imagination and creativity have a leading role and where the process of learning is spontanious reaction to the story. Teaching Mathematics as Storytelling brings a whole new level of teaching where students can make imaginative pictures of the story. Likewise, students can be a part of a story, they can actively participate and their attention can be attracted. Goal of this thesis is to present storytelling as fun and playful teaching tool that can bring closer Math lessons and students. Thesis brings general informations about storytelling, crucial elements for successful storytelling, importance of the space and atmosphere for storytelling. It descibes use of stories in educational process in general and the use of stories in classroom. Also, thesis contains research with a class of first grade students. It shows preparation and implementation of a storytelling in Mathematics class, expectations before and observations after, impressions on the learning process and student involvement.
pričanje priča
matematika kroz pričanje priča
aktivnost i pažnja
Keywords (english)
teaching Mathematics as storytelling
activity and attention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:565002
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-10-04 10:34:24