Title Najčešće bakterijske bolesti djece
Title (english) Most Common Childhood Bacterial Diseases
Author Kristina Bejić
Mentor Marko Ćaleta (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Cvikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alena Letina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ćaleta (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-04-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Među najveća dostignuća medicine posljednjih desetljeća pripada značajan pad pobola i pomora od raznih bolesti koje su dotad bile smrtonosne. Povećani životni standard, otkriće lijekova i općenito bolja zdravstvena skrb omogućila je rano otkrivanje i liječenje oboljelih. Svrha ovog rada je pobliže se upoznati s najčešćim bakterijskim bolestima od kojih djeca obolijevaju kao i upoznati načine prevencije. Isto tako svrha je i objasniti ulogu učitelja u procesu prevencije. Cijepljenje (aktivna imunizacija) je najdjelotvorniji i ekonomski najučinkovitiji način zaštite pojedinaca i populacije od zaraznih bolesti. U Hrvatskoj kao i u ostalim razvijenijim zemljama svijeta, organizirano cijepljenje djece se provodi od sredine prošlog stoljeća. Zbog toga su neke zarazne bolesti potpuno ili gotovo potisnute (difterija, tetanus, trbušni tifus), dok su neke druge bolesti drastično smanjene (hripavac, tuberkuloza). Javnozdravstveni učinak cijepljenja u odstranjivanju određene bolesti očekuje se ako je u zajednici postignut visok stupanj procijepljenosti (90 do 95% djece). Mnoge bakterijske bolesti započinju s istom ili sličnom kliničkom slikom što otežava uspostavljanje točne dijagnoze. U ovom radu je detaljno opisan tijek svake bolesti, liječenje i prevencija. Na težinu posljedica utječu socio-ekonomski uvjeti, genetske značajke, dob djeteta i stupanj zdravstvene skrbi. Bitno je istaknuti ulogu učitelja koji s učenicima provode velik dio vremena tijekom dana. Njihova važnost je u pokušaju prepoznavanja simptoma i brzog reagiranja u svrhu obavještavanja roditelja i medicinske službe. Važne uloge učitelja su i u osposobljavanju učenika za samostalnu i individualnu brigu o osobnoj higijeni i svom zdravlju te osvješćivanju o važnosti prevencije i sprječavanju širenja zaraznih bolesti.
Abstract (english) Among the greatest achievements of medicine in recent decades belong to the significant decrease of morbidity and the pestilence of the various diseases that have been fatal. The increased standard of living, the discovery of the drugs and generally better health care has enabled the early detection and treatment of patients. The purpose of this paper is to get acquainted with the most common bacterial diseases that attack children as well as know the ways of prevention. It is also the purpose of explaining the role of teachers in the prevention and illness process. Vaccination (active immunization) is the most effective and economically the most efficient way to protect individuals and the population of the infectious diseases. In Croatia, as well as in other more developed countries of the world, organized vaccination of children is implemented from the middle of last century. Because of that some infectious diseases are almost or completely suppressed (diphtheria, tetanus, typhus abdominalis) while some other diseases are drastically reduced (whooping cough, tuberculosis). Public health impact of vaccination in removing a specific disease is expected if it is in the community reached a high degree of vaccine coverage (90 to 95% children). Many bacterial diseases begin with the same or similar clinical symptoms making it difficult to establish accurate diagnosis. This work describes in detail the course of each disease, treatment and prevention. Socio-economic conditions, genetic characteristics, the age of the child, and the level of health care significantly affect on how serious the consequences will be. It is important to emphasize the role of a teacher who spend a lot of time with pupils during the day. Their importance is in trying to identify symptoms and respond quickly for the purpose of informing parents and medical service. Another teacher roles are to empower pupils for independent and individual care of personal hygiene and health and to awake them to the importance of preventing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
bakterijske bolesti
imunološki sustav
uloga učitelja
Keywords (english)
bacterial disease
immune system
teacher role
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:725980
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-07-22 06:18:47