Abstract | Polazne točke u ovom diplomskom radu bit će pojmovi stresa i anksioznosti kod
studenata Učiteljskog studija, odnosno kod budućih učitelja. Stres i anksioznost česta su
pojava u učiteljskom zanimanju. S jedne strane zdravi stres uzrokuju pozitivne promjene
koje motiviraju osobu i pokreće joj uzbuđenje, dok s druge strane intenzivni ili
dugotrajni stres može iscrpiti mogućnosti prilagodbe, pokvariti raspoloženje i naškoditi
tijelu. Ljudi se međusobno razlikuju u doživljavanju stresa, pa neki podražaj, koji je
stresan za jednu osobu, ne mora biti stresan i za druge osobe. Stres nastavnika može
negativno utjecati na školu kao organizaciju, na nastavnikovo profesionalno postignuće,
te na psihosocijalni status nastavnika i njegove obitelji. U radu daje se osrt na različite
vrste anksioznosti: fobije, panični poremećaj, generalizirani anksiozni poremećaj,
opsesivno-kompulzivni poremećaj, posttraumatski stresni poremećaj i akutni stresni
poremećaj, somatsku, separacijsku, socijalnu, anksioznu osjetljivost, zabrinutost i ispitnu
anksioznost. Naglasak je na ispitnoj anksioznosti kod studenata pri čemu se navode
razlike između stanja anksioznosti koje je prolazno i anksioznosti kao osobine koja
predstavlja relativno stabilnu osobinu ličnosti. U sklopu ovog diplomskog rada
provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem da se ispita u kojoj je mjeri anksioznost prisutna kod
studenata Učiteljskog studija uoči održavanja javnog sata iz predmeta hrvatski jezik i
matematika u nižim razredima osnovne škole. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 16 ispitanika,
studenata Učiteljskog fakulteta. Ispitivanjem je utvrđeno da studenti imaju prilično
visoku anksioznost prije oba javna sata koju prate simptomi visokog krvnog tlaka i
povećani broj otkucaja srca. |
Abstract (english) | The starting points in this thesis will be the concepts of stress and anxiety in students of
the Faculty of Teacher Education, i.e. in future teachers. Stress and anxiety are common
in the teacher's profession. On one hand healthy stress causes positive changes that
motivate a person and power their excitement, while on the other hand intense or
prolonged stress can deplete the ability to adapt, spoil the mood and harm the body.
People differ in their perception of stress, and some stimulus, which is stressful for one
person may not be stressful for another person. Teacher’s stress can adversely affect the
school as an organization, teacher’s professional achievement, and the psychosocial
status of the teacher and his/her family. The paper gives an overview of the different
types of anxieties: phobias, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder, somatic,
separation, social and anxiety sensitivity, worry and test anxiety. The emphasis is on the
test anxiety in students with an overview of differences between the state of anxi ety,
which is temporary, and anxiety as a trait, which represents a relatively stable
personality trait. As part of this thesis research was carried out in order to examine the
extent to which anxiety is present in students of the Faculty of Teacher Education on the
eve of a public class in Croatian language and mathematics in primary schools. The
study included 16 participants, students of Faculty of Teacher Education. The study
found that students had a fairly high anxiety before both public classes accompanied by
symptoms of high blood pressure and increased heart rate. |