Title Poznavanje metoda početnog čitanja i pisanja prema načelima Montessori pedagogije
Title (english) Teachers´ Familiarity with Montessori Methods of Teaching Initial Reading and Writing
Author Anđela Bošnjak
Mentor Višnja Rajić (mentor)
Committee member Željka Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alena Letina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Posebna vrijednost Montessori metoda u poticanju čitanja i pisanja jest u tome što omogućuje djeci da kroz niz aktivnosti, polazeći od konkretnog prema apstraktnom, lakšeg prema težem te jednostavnijeg ka složenijem, posebno načinjenim Montessori priborom i materijalima te u pripremljenoj okolini uče i razvijaju se sama. Osnovna ideja i cilj ovoga diplomskog rada jest istražiti te utvrditi upoznatost učitelja primarnog obrazovanja s Montessori metodama početnog čitanja i pisanja, a nastojala se
... More utvrditi i učestalost korištenja navedenih metoda u nastavi u tradicionalnim školama, koje metode početnog čitanja i pisanja (osim Montessori metoda početnog čitanja i pisanja) poznaju te smatraju li korisnim bolje poznavanje navedenih metoda. U svrhu utvrđivanja poznavanja metoda izneseno je teorijsko polazište s naglaskom na Montessori metode početnog čitanja i pisanja ( Metalni okviri/šablone za crtanje, Oblikovanje slova u pijesku, Zvučna igra, Slova od hrapavog/brusnog papira i Pomična abeceda) kojima je posvećeno posebno poglavlje te njihovoj usporedbi s metodama korištenim u redovnoj nastavi hrvatskoga jezika. U istraživanju su sudjelovali učitelji primarnog obrazovanja (N=100) zaposleni u osnovnim školama u središnjoj Hrvatskoj, a podaci su se prikupljali pomoću anketnog upitnika konstruiranog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je najveći broj, 22% učitelja upoznat s metodom Zvučna igra, a nju najčešće i koriste (čak 63% učitelja). Najmanji broj, 17% učitelja je upoznat s metodom Metalni okviri, a upravo tu metodu najrjeđe koriste (samo 11% učitelja). Čak 82% učitelja primarnog obrazovanja je navelo da ne poznaje još neku metodu početnog čitanja i pisanja, a njih 4% je navelo da poznaje Globalnu metodu te njih 3% da poznaje Analitičko – sintetičku metodu. Nadalje, 99% učitelja smatra korisnim znati više o Montessori metodama početnog čitanja i pisanja. Less
Abstract (english) Montessori methods of encouraging reading and writing are especially valuable because they encourage children to learn and grow on their own by using a variety of activities, starting from the concrete and moving towards the abstract, from less to more difficult and from simpler to more complex by using special Montessori tools and materials and a prepared environment. The basic idea and aim of this diploma paper is to establish how familiar primary education teachers are with Montessori
... More methods of teaching initial reading and writing. Also, the aim is to determine how often these methods are used in traditional schools, which methods (besides Montessori ones) the teachers are familiar with and if they think it would be useful to know these methods better. In order to determine how familiar the teachers are with methods of teaching, a theoretical framework was set up with special emphasis on Montessori methods of initial reading and writing (Metal insets, Writing letters in a sand tray, Sound games, Sandpaper letters and the Movable alphabet) which are described in a separate paragraph. They are also compared with methods used in regular classes on the Croatian language. The participants included primary education teachers (N=100) currently teaching at primary schools in central Croatia. The data was collected by using a questionnaire made specifically for this research. The data shows that the largest number of teachers, 22%, is familiar with the method Sound games, and this method is also the most commonly used one (by 63% of teachers). The smallest number of teachers (17%) is familiar with the method Metal insets, and this is also the least used method (it is only used by 11% of teachers). 82% of primary education teachers stated that they were not familiar with any other method of initial reading and writing. 4% of teachers said they were familair with the Global reading method and 3% of teachers stated they were familiar with the Analytical-synthetic method. Furthermore, 99% of teachers stated they thought it would be useful to know more about Montessori methods of teaching initial reading and writing. Less
Maria Montessori
Montessori pedagogija
Montessori metode početnog čitanja i pisanja
Keywords (english)
Maria Montessori
Montessori pedagogy
Montessori methods of teaching initial reading and writing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:697404
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-07-23 08:04:54