Title Kvalitativna analiza akademskih emocija kod učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne škole
Title (english) Qualitative Research on Academic Emotions of Fourth Grade Elementary School Students
Author Stela Cvetković
Mentor Diana Olčar (mentor)
Committee member Marija Šarić Drnas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Olčar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ema Petričević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-06-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Akademske emocije su emocije koje učenici svakodnevno doživljavaju u školskom okruţenju kroz velik broj različitih situacija. U radu je napravljena kvalitativna analiza emocija učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole. Učenici su pitani u kojim situacijama im se javljaju emocije uživanja, olakšanja, ljutnje, dosade, brige, tuge, ponosa i opuštenosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 78 ispitanika, učenika četvrtih razreda dviju osnovnih škola, Osnovna škola Bistra i Osnovna škola Velika Mlaka. Analizom sadržaja učeničkih odgovora izdvojene su situacije u kojima učenici u najvećem broju osjećaju određenu emociju. Kod tvrdnje koja uključuje emociju uživanja, učenici u najvećem broju navode situaciju druženja s prijateljima. Kod tvrdnje s emocijom olakšanja prevladava situacija dobivanja dobre ocjene te kod emocije ljutnje situacija loših odnosa drugih učenika prema njima. Na tvrdnje s emocijama dosade i opuštenosti, učenici odgovaraju vrlo raznolikim odgovorima, nabrajajući tako za osjećaj dosade mnoštvo situacija s nastave gdje im se javlja osjećaj dosade, dok je kod osjećaja opuštenosti obrnuto, navode mnoge situacije s prijateljima, igrom, odmor ili odlazak iz škole. Kod emocije brige najviše je odgovora vezano uz iščekivanje ocjene te uz same ispite i ispitivanja. Odgovor koji prevladava za osjećaj tuge je dobivanje loše ocjene dok dobivanje dobre ocjene u najvećem broju izaziva osjećaj ponosa. Gotovo nema upitnika koji ne sadrži barem jednu situaciju u kojoj je spomenuto dobivanje ocjena, ispit ili ispitivanje, dok mali broj upitnika sadrži odgovore u kojima su spomenuti neki drugi vaţni faktori koji sudjeluju u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu poput učitelja te drugih učenika u razredu. Takvi rezultati u kojima je vidljivo koliko velik utjecaj imaju same ocjene na učenike već u tako ranoj fazi obrazovanja, donose pitanje zbog čega je učenicima toliko važna sama ocjena te podižu svijest o opterećenosti učenika ocjenama. Istraživanje ovog tipa ima značajne praktične implikacije za kreatore nastavih kurikuluma te za same učitelje jer pokazuje potrebu za promjenama u obrazovanju, odnosno potrebu preusmjeravanja fokusa s ocjene kao glavnog mjerila znanja na stjecanje znanja i širenje vidika kroz interakciju s vršnjacima i učiteljima.
Abstract (english) Academic emotions are emotions pupils experience daily in the school environment. This paper brings simple qualitative analysis of emotions experienced by fourth grade students in elementary school. It delivers a review of various situations in which students feel enjoyment, relief, anger, boredom, worry, sadness, pride and relaxation. The research is conducted on the sample of 78 participants; fourth grade students from two elementary schools; Elementary school Bistra and Elementary school Velika Mlaka. Situations in which students feel specific emotion in the greatest amount are brought out by analysis of students' responses. In a statement which includes the emotion of enjoyment, students mostly mention the situation of spending time with their friends. Most of the responses mentioned for the statement regarding the emotion of relief are connected to the situation of receiving a good mark and in the statement which includes the emotion of anger most of situations students mention are connected to mistreatment by their peers. Statements regarding the emotions of boredom and relaxation show various of different students' responses. For the emotion of boredom there is a list of various situations from the class in which students feel bored, while, regarding the emotion of relaxation, it is vice versa; students list situations in connection with playing with their peers, break or leaving the school. Most answers in the statement which includes the emotion of worry, are in connection with waiting for the grade from some exam or with the exam and the oral examination as the factors which cause the emotion of worry. The answer which stands out regarding the emotion of sadness is receiving a bad grade, while receiving a good grade to a great extend causes students the emotion of pride. There are only few questioners which do not include at least one situation in which grades, exams and oral examination are mentioned, while there are only few of them which include some factors relevant for the educational process; like teachers and peers. These results, which indicate the large impact of the grades on the students even in that early phase of the education, raise the question why students are so concerned about the grade itself. Results also arise the conscious of students´ preoccupation with the grades. This type of research has significant implications for the creators of the curriculum but also for the teachers, in a way that it shows the need for changes in the education system. In other words, it indicates the need to redirect the focus from the grades to acquiring knowledge and expending viewpoints through interaction with peers and teachers.
akademske emocije
osnovna škola
analiza sadrţaja
Keywords (english)
academic emotions
primary school
analysis of the con-tent
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:654824
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
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Created on 2020-10-07 10:47:20