Title Ženski likovi u bajkama na primjeru bajke "Pepeljuga"
Title (english) Femala Characters in Fairy Tales on the Example of the "Cinderella" Fairy Tale
Author Marija Dimović
Mentor Marina Gabelica (mentor)
Committee member Dubravka Težak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Zalar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Croatian Language and Literature, Drama and Media Education) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract Djeca se s bajkom susreću od najranijih dana. Isprva kroz bajke koje im roditelji prepričavaju ili čitaju, a zatim u sklopu formalnog obrazovanja na satima Hrvatskoga jezika. Iako bajke danas najčešće čitaju djeca, isprva nisu bile namijenjene djeci, već odraslima. Danas još uvijek postoje rasprave o primjerenosti pojedinih djela dječje književnosti, a posebice bajki. Živimo u društvu u kojem žene konačno imaju jednaka prava kao i muškarci. Postavlja se pitanje kako bajke koje su pisane prije nekoliko stotina godina, u kojima su ženski likovi najčešće prikazani kao pasivni i nesamostalni, utječu na djecu, a posebice na djevojčice. Priča o Pepeljugi jedna je od najpoznatijih i većini najomiljenijih. Cilj ovog rada jest kroz povijesni pregled utvrditi karakteristike narodne i umjetničke bajke te analizirati prikaz ženskih likova u bajkama na temelju bajke Pepeljuga. Analiza se bazira na inačici Pepeljuge Charlesa Perraulta i braće Grimm te na romanu Ella Enchanted, modernoj preradi Pepeljuge, spisateljice Gail Carson Levine. Analizom se pokazalo da Perrault ženske likove, a posebice lik Pepeljuge, prezentira kao likove bez osobnosti i samostalnosti. U inačici braće Grimm Pepeljuga pokazuje više samostalnosti i izlazi iz uloge promatrača. Iako je, jednako kao i Perraultova Pepeljuga, spašena od života služavke time što ju je kraljević oženio, posjeduje određene crte osobnosti koje Perraultova junakinja ne posjeduje. Naposljetku, analizirajući roman Ella Enchanted, a posebice glavni ženski lik – Ellu, primjećujemo da ona, iako je pod kletvom radi koje uvijek mora biti poslušna, traži načine kako zadobiti željenu samostalnost. Analiza na kojoj se temelji ovaj rad pokazuje da djecu ne bismo trebali zakinuti za narodne i umjetničke bajke, premda se u takvim djelima često njeguju štetni stereotipi i razmišljanja. Takve bajke imaju neporecivu vrijednost, međutim bitno je u razgovoru s djecom prokomentirati pročitano te ih upoznati s djelima u kojima se takvi stereotipi ne pojavljuju ili pojavljuju u manjoj mjeri.
Abstract (english) Children are met with fairytales from an early age. First through stories their parents tell them and read to them, later in a formal education setting. Although today fairy tales are most commonly read to and by children, in the beginning they were meant for adults. In recent times, there is a growing amount of discussion on what literature materials are appropriate for children, fairy tales especially. Today, there is equality between genders, so the question of how the fairy tales written hundred of years ago, where the female characters are by default passive and dependent, affect children, with focus on girls. The story of Cinderella is one of the most known and adored ones. The goal of this thesis is to establish the features of folk and artistic fairy tale through historical review and analyse the depiction of female characters in fairy tales based on Cinderella. The analysis is based on the versions of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, Grimm brothers, as well as the novel Ella Enchanted, a modern interpretation of Cinderella, written by Gail Carson Levine. The analysis shows that Perrault builds female characters without personality and agency, the character of Cinderella especially. In the version by Grimm brothers Cinderella shows more independence and exists the role of spectator. Although she is, much like in Perrault's Cinderella, saved from a life of servitude as a maid by being married by a prince, she shows certain personality traits Perrault's counterpart lacks. At last, analysing the novel Ella Enchanted, and especially the protagonist - Ella, we can observe that despite the curse of absolute obedience, she seeks ways of gaining her desired independence. The analysis this thesis is based on shows that we should not deprive children of folk and art fairy tales, in spite of the damaging stereotypes and viewpoints contained within them. These stories have undeniable value, but a discussion with the children on the read stories is essential, as well as introducing stories where those stereotypes are diminished or subverted.
Ella Enchanted
Keywords (english)
fairy tale
Ella Enchanted
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:042438
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
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Created on 2020-10-09 09:58:46