Title Govorni poremećaji kod djece
Title (english) Childrens Speech Disorders
Author Maja Lojen
Mentor Đuro Blažeka (mentor)
Committee member Đuro Blažeka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Legac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Draženko Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Pedagogy and Didactics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy Voice/Speech Disorders
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Razvoj dječjeg govora je veoma složen i suptilan proces, koji se odvija pod utjecajem mnoštva različitih čimbenika. Govor je socijalni fenomen i njegov je razvoj moguć isključivo u uvjetima ljudskog okruženja. Obitelj je najbliže i najprirodnije okruženje djeteta, i zato ima najveću ulogu u procesu dječjeg razvoja, uključujući i razvoj govora. Za mnogu današnju djecu može se reći da su siromašna jezikom. Rano prepoznavanje odstupanja i rane intervencije od iznimne su važnosti jer zakašnjeli i neadekvatan razvoj govora jedan je od glavnih uzročnika kasnijih teškoća u učenju. U trećem poglavlju su detaljnije prikazani najučestaliji govorni poremećaji u općoj populaciji djece, “Poremećaji izgovora“, njihovi uzroci i sprječavanje. Četvrto poglavlje opisuje jezične teškoće te zašto dolazi do poremećaja jezično-govornoga razvoja. U petom poglavlju opisuju se poremećaji ritma i tempa govora, dok se u šestom poglavlju opisuju poremećaji glasa i sprječavanje poremećaja glasa u djece. Iduće poglavlje opisuje afaziju i disfaziju, odnosno teškoće koje nastaju zbog djelovanja moždanog oštećenja na komunikaciju. Kada razvoj pokreta prstiju odgovara dobi, razvoj govora je također normalan. Kada razvoj fine motorike zaostaje, zaostaje i razvoj govora. O tome nam govori osmo poglavlje u kojem se opisuje međuovisnost govora i motorike. Igra je čovjekova prirodna aktivnost. Ona omogućuje da se čovjek razvija tjelesno, intelektualno, emocionalno, duhovno, socijalno. Stoga su u devetom poglavlju opisane jezične igre u službi poticanja pravilnog razvoja govora. Posebno je naglasak stavljen na pjesme u obliku igara za razvoj govora jer je djeci lakše prihvatiti govorno gradivo, ako je ritmično i dostupno vizualiziranju, a pjesma ima upravo te kvalitete. Uz pjesme u obliku igara, posebno značenje imaju i igre prstima koje će također biti detaljnije opisane u devetom poglavlju. Naposlijetku, bit će opisano poticanje razvoja govora te kako se jezično-govorni razvoj treba stalno poticati jer uredno razvijen jezik i govor su preduvjeti za primjeren razvoj djeteta.
Abstract (english) The development of children's speech is a very complex and subtle process, which takes place under the influence of many different factors. Speech is a social phenomenon and its development is possible only in the conditions of the human environment. The family is the closest and the most natural child’s environment and therefore has the greatest role in the process of child development, including speech development. For many of today's children can be said to have poor language. Early recognition of deviations and early interventions are extremely important because delayed and inadequate speech development is one of the main causes of later learning difficulties. The third chapter describes in more detail the most common speech disorders in the general population of children, "Articulation disorders", their causes and prevention. The fourth chapter describes language difficulties and the reasons why language-speech disorders occur. The fifth chapter describes speech rhythm and tempo disorders, while the sixth chapter describes voice disorders and the prevention of voice disorders in children. The next chapter describes aphasia and dysphasia, i.e. the difficulties that arise due to the effect of brain damage on communication. When the development of finger movements corresponds to the age, speech development is also normal. When the development of fine motor skills lags behind, the development of speech also lags behind. The eighth chapter, which describes the interdependence of speech and motor skills, tells us about this. The game is man's natural activity. It allows a person to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, socially. Therefore, the ninth chapter describes language games for stimulating the correct development of speech. Particular emphasis is placed on songs in the form of games for speech development because it is easier for children to accept speech teaching material if it is rhythmic and accessible to visualization, and the song has exactly these qualities. In addition to songs in the form of games, finger games also have a special meaning, which will also be described in more detail in the ninth chapter. Finally, the stimulating of speech development will be described as well as the way in which language and speech development should be constantly stimulated because properly developed language and speech are prerequisites for the appropriate development of the child.
razvoj govora
poremećaji govora
jezične igre
poticanje govora
Keywords (english)
speech development
speech disorders
language games
speech stimulation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:557338
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-10-15 07:38:35