Title Hrvatski dječji animalistički roman
Title (english) Croatian Children's Animalistic Novel
Author Petra Huđ
Mentor Andrijana Kos-Lajtman (mentor)
Committee member Tamara Turza-Bogdan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubomir Levačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrijana Kos-Lajtman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Croatian Language and Literature, Drama and Media Education) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Comparative Literature
Abstract Suvremeno se doba okreće animalističkim temama, kako u svakodnevnom životu tako i u znanstvenostručnoj sferi. To potvrđuju brojne specijalizirane televizijske i radijske emisije, znanstveni projekti i skupovi, zbornici radova, razne antologije te knjige animalističke orijentacije. Cjelokupna je ljudska kultura, a time i književnost, prepuna raznih životinjskih vrsta. U svim vrstama dječje književnosti moguće je upoznati bogat svijet životinjskih likova. Budući da su životinje česti suputnici dječje svakodnevice, to nije nimalo neobično. Analizom animalističkog sloja hrvatskog dječjeg animalističkog romana ovim se diplomskim radom nastoji uočiti i primjerima potkrijepiti način prikazivanja životinja i njihov značaj u životima djece. U nekim su djelima životinje antropomorfizirane kako bi bile sugestivnije i izražajnije. Primjerice, u Donu od Tromeđe (1987) Višnje Stahuljak, Divljem konju (1989) Božidara Prosenjaka, romanima Mrnjau, grizu me (1976) i Imam rep (1976) Kazimira Klarića, Ljubavni slučaj mačka Joje (1998) Branke Primorac, Pas koji je čitao s usana (2001) Stjepana Tomaš i Pasja posla (1995) Ivana Tomičevića. U drugim je tekstovima realistično prikazana sukladnost sudbina životinja i djece. Takav je slučaj u romanima Pirgo (1953) Anđelke Martić, Mama, pazi pas! Branke Primorac te u romanima Priča o Jelenku (1982), Klopka za medvjedića (1994), Bijeg u košari (1992), Ivin Vučko (1995) te Piki i Argo (2006) Maje Gluščević. U analiziranim pak romanima Humandel (2007) Hrvoja Hitreca i Dupin Dirk i Lijena kobila (1997) Jože Horvata prikazane su životinje koje pod određenim okolnostima imaju sposobnost komuniciranja s ljudima. Proučavanjem hrvatskih dječjih animalističkih romana zamijećena je razlika u prikazu životinjskog svijeta, načinu komuniciranja životinja te njihova odnosa s ljudima kao i drugim pripadnicima svoje vrste. Ono što je zajedničko svim spomenutim romanima jest njihov velik doprinos hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti kao i životu svakog malog čitatelja, prijatelja i ljubitelja životinja.
Abstract (english) Modern age aims its attention towards animalistic subjects both in everyday life and scientific and professional sphere. This is further confirmed by numerous specialized television and radio shows, scientific projects and gatherings, collections of literary works, various anthologies and books with animalistic orientation. Entire culture, including literature, is filled with various of animal species. All types of children's literature are brimming with a variety of animal species. Considering that animals are a common part of children's lives, this is not at all unusual. By analyzing animalistic dimension of Croatian animalistic novels, in this thesis we are striving to discover and confirm with examples different ways of showcasing animals and their meaning in children's lives. Some novels contain anthropomorphized animals that are more suggestive and expressive. Some examples are Don od Tromeđe (The Don of Three-border point) (1987) by Višnja Stahuljak, The wild horse (1989) by Boţidar Prosenjak, novels Mrnjau, they bite me (1976) and I have a tail (1976) by Kazimir Klarić, Branka Primorac's Love Case of Joja the Cat (1998), Dog reading from lips (2001) by Stjepan Tomaš and Dogs works (1995) by Ivan Tomičević. Other literary works realistic showcase compliance of animal and childrens' fates. This is the case in novels Pirgo (1953) by AnĎelka Martić, Mum, Beware of the Dog! (1993) by Branka Primorac and in Maja Gluščević's novels Story of the Deer (1982), Trap for a Bear Cup (1994), Escape in a Basket (1992), Ivo's Vučko (1995) te Piki and Argo (2006). Some of the analyzed novels such as Humandel (2007) by Hrvoje Hitrec and Dolphin Dirk and the Lazy Mare (1997) by Joţa Horvat display animals that under specific circumstances are able to communicate with humans. By studying Croatian animalistic children's novels one can notice the difference in representation of the animal world, in the way of communicating with each other and their relationship with humans, but also with members of their own species. What unites all of aforementioned novels is their contibution to Croatian children's literature, but also to lives of every reader, friend and lover of animals.
hrvatska dječja književnost
književna animalistika
animalistički roman
Keywords (english)
Croatian children's literature
literary animalistics
animalistic novel
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:087070
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
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Created on 2020-12-02 08:39:03