Title Primjena prirodoznanstvene metode i postupaka u nastavi prirode i društva
Title (english) Application of Methods and Practices in Science Lessons
Author Martina Hušnjak
Mentor Alena Letina (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Canjek Androić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alena Letina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Science, Geography and History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Neodoljiva potreba za istraživanjem je ono što je urođeno svakom čovjeku. Dolaskom djeteta u školu, počinje razdoblje u kojem će dijete ili dalje razvijati svoju potrebu za istraživanjem ili zbog tradicionalnog oblika nastave postati pasivni promatrač.
Već od prvog razreda, učenici se susreću s različitim sadržajima, metodama i oblicima rada. Učiteljeva uloga u nastavnom procesu je poticati učeničku prirodnu radoznalost i želju za učenjem i otkrivanjem, kroz različite nastavne teme, služeći se
... More prirodoznanstvenom metodom i postupcima. Učenike se kroz prirodoznanstvene postupke uvodi u znanstveni način rada koji je koristan u daljem obrazovanju, aktivnom i iskustvenom učenju te različitim učeničkim istraživanjima izvan obrazovnog sustava. Najveći razvoj istraživačkih vještina dolazi u trećem razredu usvajanjem nastavne teme Pokus, nakon koje učenici dublje kreću u sam proces otkrivanja i iskustvenog učenja.
Analizom sadržaja Kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Prirode i društva za osnovne škole u Republici Hrvatskoj (2019) ustanovljene su velike promjene u odgojno – obrazovnim ciljevima učenja i poučavanja predmeta. Najveći naglasak je stavljen na Istraživački pristup učenika direktno se služeći prirodoznanstvenom metodom i njenim postupcima. Učenike se postepeno uvodi u istraživačke aktivnosti usmjeravajući ih na stjecanje kompetencija važnih za njihov osobni rast povezivanjem učenja i vlastitog iskustva. Daje se veća sloboda učiteljima koji kontekst prilagođavaju učenikovim interesima te na taj način razvijaju motivaciju učenika za stjecanje novih znanja i vještina.
Nastavni plan i program za osnovne škole (2006) se zalaže za istraživanje i korištenje prirodoznanstvenih postupaka, no zbog obrazovnih postignuća se više bazira na usvajanju pojmova.
Stupanjem na snagu novog Kurikuluma, u prvi plan dolazi učenik. Sve je podređeno učeniku i stjecanju kompetencija međusobnim povezivanjem učenja i iskustva učenika te time odgojiti društveno odgovornog i svestranog pojedinca s razvijenim vještinama osposobljenog za cjeloživotno učenje. Less
Abstract (english) The overwhelming need for exploration is something that is in every human being. With the child starting school, begins the period in which the child will either continue to develop his or her need for exploration, or because of the traditional form of teaching, become a passive observer.
Ever since the first grade, students get confronted with different content, methods and forms of work. The teacher's role in the teaching process is to stimulate the student's natural curiosity and desire to
... More learn and discover, through various teaching topics, using natural science methods and procedures. Students are introduced to the scientific mode of work through the natural sciences, which is useful in further education, active and experiential learning and various student research outside the education system. The greatest development of research skills comes in the third grade by adopting the teaching topic Experiment, after which students delve deeper into the process of discovery and experiential learning.
An analysis the content of the Curriculum of the subject Nature and Society for Primary Schools in the Republic of Croatia (2019) revealed major changes in the educational goals of teaching and teaching a subject. Most emphasis is placed on the Student's Research Approach directly using the natural science method and its procedures. Students are gradually introduced to research activities, focusing on the acquisition of competencies important for their personal growth by linking learning and their own experiences. It gives more freedom to teachers who tailor the context to the student's interests and thus develop students' motivation to acquire new knowledge and skills.
The elementary school curriculum (2006) is committed to research and use of natural scientific methods, but due to educational achievements, it is more based on the adoption of concepts.
With the new Curriculum taking effect, the student comes into the forefront. Everything is subordinate to the student and the acquisition of competences by interconnecting learning and experience with the student, and thus educating a socially responsible and versatile individual with developed skills capable of lifelong learning. Less
prirodoznanstvena metoda
prirodoznanstveni postupci
suvremena početna nastava prirodoslovlja
Keywords (english)
natural science method
natural science procedures
modern elementary science teaching
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:763671
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-07 12:28:41