Title Dječje igre, pjesme i običaji u Zlataru
Title (english) Children's Games, Songs And Practices In Zlatar
Author Sandra Štahan
Mentor Branimir Magdalenić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Nikolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Cvrtila (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Magdalenić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Arts) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Jedan od ciljeva završnoga rada je zapisivanje i očuvanje tradicionalnih dječjih igara, pjesama i običaja koji su vezani za maleni grad Zlatar. Svaki naš grad, regija i županija ima svoje praznike, običaje, pjesme, igre i mitove koji predstavljaju određenu županiju. U radu će se pisati isključivo o Zlataru, gradu koji se nalazi u Krapinsko - zagorskoj županiji. Pretpostavka je za istraživanje bila kako nekada djeca nisu imala toliku količinu igračaka kao što imaju u današnje vrijeme te su se zbog toga mnogo više međusobno družili i smišljali nove igre pomoću kojih bi kratili vrijeme.
Grad Zlatar smješten je u Hrvatskom zagorju. Prema prostornoj smještenosti poznato je da se nalazi u brežuljkastom području u kojem ima mnogo poljoprivrednih površina. Prema tome to je područje bilo izrazito ruralno pa je opće poznato da su djeca od malih nogu pomagala roditeljima na poljoprivredi i u kućanskim poslovima. Najčešći posao bio im je odlazak na pašu sa životinjama. Zbog toga su se posla djeca nekada mnogo više družila i međusobno igrala. Rano bi se ujutro skupila sva djeca iz sela, krenula s kravom ili puranima na ispašu i tada su nastajale najmaštovitije igre koje su se prenosile s generacije na generaciju.
Osim toga djeca su zajedno na paši znala izrađivati razne drvene predmete i igračke, a mnogima su to bile jedine igračke koje su imali. Poznato je da su danas te drvene igračke jako popularne i zaštićene u Zagorju i pohranjene su u muzejima. Svrha ovoga rada je istražiti i zapisati sve tradicijske igre, pjesme i običaje koje su izmislili naši stari u Zlataru te potaknuti i podsjetiti ljude na ta teška, ali sretna vremena za djetinjstvo.
Abstract (english) Aim of this thesis is to explore and record all the traditional games, songs and practices that our ancestors in Zlatar came up with and to encourage people to recall these hard, but also joyfull childhood times.
One of the aims of the thesis is registry and preservation of traditional children's games, songs and practices in small town of Zlatar. Each town, region and county in Croatia has its own festivities, traditions, songs, games and myths specific for that area. This thesis will be exclusively presenting Zlatar, a town situated in Krapina- Zagorje County. Hypothesis for this thesis was that in previous times there was not that many toys for children to play with, unlike for children these days. Therefore, they had more time to socialize with eachother and come up with new games to fill their days with.
Town of Zlatar is located in Hrvatsko Zagorje. Geographically, it is known for being situated on a hilly area in which there is a lot of agricultural territories. Because of that, the area was always very rural and therefore, it is known that the children have helped their parents with farming and house chores from the early ages. More often then any other chore they would be working with animals on the farm. Children would there often socialize and play with eachother. In the early morning, all the children from the town would gather around, along with cows or turkeys on pasture and the most imaginative games would come up to them. These great ideas would then be passed down trough generations.
Besides, children would also make different wooden tools and objects which, for some of them, would be the only toys they had. It is also known that these wooden toys are very popular to this day and are also presented and preserved in museums in Zagorje. Aim of thesis is to explore and record all of these traditional games, songs and practices that our ancestors in Zlatar came up with and to encourage people to recall these hard, but also joyfully childhood times.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:203888
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-08 07:58:49