Abstract | Jedno od najviše istraženih područja likovnog odgoja je razvoj dječjeg likovnog izraza. Dječja umjetnost smatra se slobodnom i spontanom, ali je u stvarnosti ozbiljan dječji pokušaj da dožive svoje okruženje i prikažu ga na smislen način. Kroz likovne aktivnosti potičemo vizualnu i taktilnu percepciju te potičemo na razvoj opažaja i uočavanja prirodnih pojava oko sebe.
Ovim završnim radom želi se ukazati na poticanje kognitivnog, emocionalnog, perceptivnog, kreativnog, socijalnog i fizičkog razvoja djece likovnim aktivnostima koje se temelje na promatranju. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj promatranja na likovne aktivnosti u predškolskoj dobi. Cilj je da djeca dožive prirodu oko sebe i da obrate pozornost na to što ih okružuje te vidjeti kako djeca s obzirom na dob reagiraju različito. Svaki crtež reflektira emocije, intelektualne kapacitete, fizički razvoj, perceptivnu svjesnost, kreativni angažman, estetsku svijest i društveni razvoj svakog pojedinog djeteta. Brojnost detalja na crtežu indikator je intelektualnog rasta i razvoja djeteta; što je više detalja, to je njegova intelektualna sposobnost viša. Starija djeca u crteže unose puno više detalja od mlađe djece. Osim toga što crteži reflektiraju djetetov intelektualni razvoj, oni ga i potiču.
Estetska osjetljivost dio je cjelokupna djetetova razvoja i ona se razvija kroz sposobnost gledanja, prepoznavanja, reagiranja na stvari i pojave i to sve utječe na razvoj dječje svijesti o njihovoj okolini.
U završnom radu sagledavaju se načini poticanja i ometanja likovnog stvaralaštva djeteta predškolske dobi i artikulacije vođenih likovnih aktivnosti u vrtiću. |
Abstract (english) | One of the most researched areas of art education is the development of children's artistic expression. Children's art is considered free and spontaneous, but in reality it is a serious child's attempt to experience their surroundings and show it in a meaningful way. Through artistic activities we encourage visual and tactile perception, encourage the development of observations and the perception of natural phenomena around us.
In the final work, the desire is to point to the encouragement of cognitive, emotional, perceptive, creative, social and physical development of children, through visual activities based on observation. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of observation on visual activities in preschool. The aim is for children to experience the nature around them and to pay attention to what surrounds them, to see how children react differently. Each drawing reflects emotions, intellectual capacities, physical development, perceptual awareness, creative engagement, aesthetic awareness and social development of the individual child. Each drawing reflects emotions, intellectual capacities, physical development, perceptual awareness, creative engagement, aesthetic awareness and social development of the individual child. The abundance of details in the drawing is an indicator of the intellectual growth and development of the child, the more detail the higher his intellectual ability. Older children bring a lot more detail into the drawings than younger children. Except that the drawings reflect them and encourage the child's intellectual development.
Aesthetic sensitivity is part of the whole child's development and it develops through the ability to see, recognize, react to things and phenomena and it all affects the development of children's awareness of their surroundings.
The final work looks at ways of encouraging and disrupting the artistic creativity of the preschool child, articulation of artistic guided activities in kindergarten. |