Title Prikaz članaka na engleskom jeziku o autizmu kod djece rane i predškolske dobi
Title (english) Review of articles written in English on autism in children of early and preschool age
Author Dorotea Dominik
Mentor Alenka Mikulec (mentor)
Committee member Alenka Mikulec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božica Vuić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vendi Franc (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Anglistics
Abstract U ovome je radu prikazano deset znanstvenih članaka na engleskome jeziku grupiranih prema sljedećim temama: utjecaj rane inkluzije na djecu s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, važnost razvoja igre te iskustva i stavovi roditelja o procesu inkluzije i predrasudama s kojima se susreću. Inkluzivni programi u dječjim vrtićima pokazali su se vrlo uspješnima i važnima za razvoj djece u usporedbi s redovnim javnim programima u kojima su rezultati na kraju godine češće stagnirali ili bili lošiji. Primjenom rehabilitacije igrom, terapije kojoj je cilj pomoću igranja omogućiti djetetu što pravilniji razvoj, porasla je pažnja i interes djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma za određene individualne ili grupne aktivnosti te je značajno olakšan daljnji rad s njima. Osim važnosti igre, u jednom od odabranih članaka spominje se i razvoj simboličke igre pomoću tehnike 'građenja skele' koju su uspješno primjenjivale majke djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma te tako značajno pridonijele njihovom razvoju. Roditelji razumiju važnost rane intervencije, stoga su razočarani nedostatnom podrškom koju bi im trebali pružiti dječji vrtići. Generalno vjeruju da su njihova djeca stigmatizirana te da vrlo teško nalaze prijatelje i nisu uključena u aktivnosti s vršnjacima. Smatraju i da zbog dugog reda čekanja nemaju mnogo izbora kada je u pitanju pronalazak odgovarajućeg programa rane intervencije za njihovo dijete. Osim poteškoća s (ne)razumijevanjem okoline, mnogi se roditelji i sami bore s prihvaćanjem činjenice da je njihovo dijete 'drugačije'. Neki su, kada su tek saznali za dijagnozu, osjećali izrazitu tjeskobu, ali su vjerovali da će njihovo dijete s vremenom postati 'normalno' te da postoji mogućnost da je došlo do pogreške u dijagnozi. Međutim, prihvaćanjem djetetove teškoće kao nešto što ne mogu promijeniti, njihova se razina tjeskobe snizila. U većini članaka navodi se pozitivan utjecaj inkluzije na djecu s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, ali i igra kao neizostavan dio njihova djetinjstva. Također, naglašena je važnost komunikacije i suradnje odgojitelja i stručnog tima s roditeljima djece s posebnim potrebama.
Abstract (english) This paper presents ten scholarly articles in English grouped into three categories: the impact of early inclusion on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the importance of play development and parents' experiences and attitudes about the process of inclusion and the prejudices they have encountered. Inclusive programs in early childhood and preschool programs have proven to be very successful and important for children's development compared to conventional public programs where the results at the end of the school year were more likely to either stagnate or decrease. The application of play rehabilitation, therapy aimed at enabling the child to develop in a natural way, as much as possible, has contributed to an increase in the attention and interest of children with ASD for certain individual or group activities thus significantly facilitating further work with them. In addition to the importance of play, one of the selected articles mentions the development of symbolic play using the 'scaffolding' technique, which was successfully applied by mothers of children with ASD and which contributed to their development. Parents, understanding the importance of early intervention, felt disappointed because of the lack of support they should have been provided by early childhood and preschool institutions. They generally believe that their children are stigmatized, that they find it very difficult to make friends, and that they are not involved in the activities with their peers. They feel that because of long waiting lists they do not have much choice when it comes to finding an appropriate early intervention program for their child. Many parents also struggle with accepting the fact that their child is ‘different’. Some, when they first learned of the diagnosis, experienced high anxiety, but they believed that their child would become ‘normal’ over time and that the child may have been misdiagnosed. However, after accepting the child’s difficulty as something they could not change, their level of anxiety decreased. Most articles point out the positive impact of inclusion on children with ASD, and play is emphasized as an indispensable part of their childhood. The importance of communication and cooperation between educators and the professional team with parents of children with special educational needs is also highlighted.
poremećaj iz spektra autizma
djeca rane i predškolske dobi
Keywords (english)
autism spectrum disorder
children of early childhood and preschool age
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:725125
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-11 10:04:10