Abstract | Autizam spada u kategoriju pervazivnih razvojnih poremećaja, a u tu se
kategoriju ubrajaju i autizam u djetinjstvu, atipični autizam, Rettov poremećaj, drugi
dezintegrativni poremećaji u djetinjstvu itd. Ovim radom prikazat će se izazovi koje
autizam nosi u odgoju i obrazovanju. U radu su opisana obilježja autizma sa
znakovima koje autizam nosi sa sobom. Također je prikazana povijest autizma i
njegovo otkriće, razni poremećaji autističnog spektra i sposobnosti ili talenti
autističnih osoba gdje su prikazane i slavne osobe koje su imale autistične crte. Cilj
provedenog istraživanja bio je uvidjeti što autizam donosi u odgoju i obrazovanju i
sam pristup, načine rada i principe odgojitelja u radu s autističnim djetetom. Pitanjima
koja su bila postavljena odgojiteljici željeli smo saznati je li bila upoznata s autizmom
od ranije, tj. za vrijeme studiranja. Zanimalo nas je i kakve metode rada, oblike i
okruženja je koristila u radu s autističnim djetetom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su
da izazova u odgoju i obrazovanju s autističnim djetetom ima mnogo. Izazovi s kojima
se susrela odgojiteljica počeli su od same suradnje s roditeljima, odnosa djeteta prema
drugoj djeci koji je ponekad bio i agresivan, pa do osmišljavanja drugačijih efikasnijih
metoda rada prema autističnom djetetu. |
Abstract (english) | Autism belongs to the category of pervasive developmental disorders, and this
category includes childhood autism, atypical autism, Rett's disorder, other
disintegrative childhood disorders, etc. This work will present challenges that autism
brings in education, it will describe the main characteristics of autism, and main signs
of autism in children. It will also show the history of autism and its discovery, various
disorders of the autism spectrum, the abilities and talents of autistic people, and even
it will show some of the celebrities who had autistic disorder by themselves. The aim
of this research was to see what autism brings in education, educational approach to
the autism, ways of working, and main principles of educators in everyday activities
with an autistic child. With the questions that were asked to the educator, we wanted
to find out if she was familiar with the autism before she start working with children
with autism, ie. while studying, we were also interested what work methods, forms
and environments she used in her work with the autistic child. The results of the
research showed us that there are many challenges in raising and educating of the
autistic child. The challenges faced by educators were ranged from working with
parents, the child's attitude towards other childrens who were sometimes aggressive,
and in the end to developing some new, more effective methods of working with an
autistic child. |