Title Zahtjevna djeca
Title (english) Demanding Children
Author Iva Jureša
Mentor Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (mentor)
Committee member Goran Lapat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Topolovčan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Pedagogy and Didactics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-06-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences Behavioral Disorders
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Tema zahtjevne djece obrađuje njihove osobine, teškoće, probleme u ponašanju i
razvoju te prevenciju teškoća uz adekvatnu podršku. Zahtjevnoj djeci potrebno je puno
ljubavi, razumijevanja i podrške njihovih odgajatelja i okoline kako bi se umanjile
njihove teškoće i kako bi se razvijali poput svojih vršnjaka. Osim umanjivanja teškoća,
od velike važnosti je i jačanje njihovih jakih strana i sposobnosti.
U poglavlju Suvremeni odgoj dan je pregled osnovnih značajki koje razlikuju
suvremeni odgoj od odgoja prijašnjih generacija. Stavljen je naglasak na promijenjeno
poimanje odgoja kao društvene pojave, shvaćanje uloge djeteta i odgojitelja, te
njihovog odnosa. Također je istaknuta uloga tehnoloških i društvenih promjena na
globalnoj razini.
Kroz poglavlje Zahtjevna djeca uveden je i definiran pojam zahtjevnog djeteta i
njegovog odgoja. Opisani su poremećaji i poteškoće s kojima se zahtjevna djeca nose
i objašnjena je uloga vanjskih uzroka i osobnosti djeteta u razvoju poteškoća. Uz
navedene poremećaje i poteškoće obrazložene su metode i pristupi prilikom njihovog
Poglavlje Prevencija poremećaja u ponašanju sastoji se od smjernica za preveniranje,
smanjenje i otklanjanje poremećaja i poteškoća u ponašanju i razvoju kroz
najučinkovitije programe i suvremene prakse iz svakodnevne primjene.
U prvom dijelu poglavlja Rizični i zaštitni čimbenici navedeni su najčešći čimbenici
koji povećavaju rizik razvoja poremećaja, a u drugom dijelu navedeni su čimbenici
koji štite, odnosno smanjuju rizik od pojave poremećaja.
Poglavlje Podrška zahtjevnoj djeci zaključuje ovaj rad osvrtom na važnost pružanja
podrške djeci kroz uključenost cijele zajednice, upoznavanje djeteta i njegovih
potreba, uspostavu kvalitetne komunikacije s djetetom, razumijevanje djeteta i
izgradnju djetetove svijesti o sebi i svom ponašanju.
Abstract (english) The topic of demanding children deals with their characteristics, difficulties,
problems in behavior and development as well as prevention of difficulties with
adequate support. Demanding children need a lot of love, understanding and support
from their educators and their environment to reduce their difficulties and to help
them develop like their peers. In addition to reducing difficulties, it is also important
to strengthen their strengths and abilities.
The chapter Modern education provides an overview of the basic features that
distinguish modern education from the education of previous generations. Emphasis
is placed on the changed notion of education as social phenomena, understanding the
role of the child and the educator, and their relationship. The role of technological
and social change on a global scale is also emphasised.
Through the chapter Demanding children, the concept of a demanding child and his
education is introduced and defined. Disorders and difficulties faced by demanding
children are described and the role of external causes and personality of the child in
developing difficulties is explained. In addition, methods and approaches in
the mitigation of disorders and difficulties are explained.
The chapter Prevention of behavioral disorders consists of guidelines for preventing,
reducing, and elimination of disorders and difficulties in behavior and development
through the most effective programs and modern practices from everyday use.
The first part of the chapter Risk and protective factors lists the most common factors
that increase the risk of developing disorders, and the second part lists the factors that
protect or reduce the risk from the onset of the disorder.
The chapter Support to Demanding Children concludes this paper with a review of
the importance of providing support to children through involvement of the whole
community, getting to know the child and his needs, establishing quality
communication with the child, understanding the child, and building the child’s
awareness of themselves and their behavior.
razvojne teškoće
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:111564
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-13 07:55:13