Abstract | Dijete od svog rođenja doživljava prilagodbe, prvo na ljude oko sebe, svoju
obiteljsku zajednicu, a potom i na širu okolinu. Od velike je važnosti na koji način se
dijete uvodi u novi svijet, koji njemu predstavlja veliku nepoznanicu. U ovom radu
govori se o adaptaciji djeteta u novu zajednicu, odnosno odgojno – obrazovnu
ustanovu, koja bi trebala stvoriti suradnju i partnerstvo s roditeljima kao sigurnim i
poželjnim okruženjem za odgoj i obrazovanje djeteta. Najprije ću opisati sve
komponente koje čine odgojno – obrazovnu ustanovu, uključujući i dijete, kao
glavnog pojedinca. Svaka od tih komponenta ima svoje djelovanje, a one moraju
međusobno biti u mogućnosti djelovati zajedno. Sve navedeno obuhvaća i opisuje
Bronfenbrennerova teorija ekoloških sustava.
Djetetu je odgojno – obrazovna ustanova potpuna nepoznanica, te se u skladu i s time
treba prema njemu odnositi. Sama prilagodba djeteta na život u odgojno –
obrazovnoj ustanovi je proces, koji je individualan i s obzirom na to traje različito.
Potrebno je vrijeme, trud, pažnja i interakcija sa svima međusobno kako bi sam
proces prilagodbe bio što prihvatljiviji socioemocionalno za dijete, ali i za ostale
sudionike. Uz sve dosad navedeno neophodno je spomenuti socijalne kompetencije,
kao bitne čimbenike rasta i razvoja, pa tako i procesa prilagodbe. Preduvjet za sve to,
predstavlja već postignuta razina privrženosti, koju ću opisati kroz komponente koje
prolazi zajedno sa sudionicima. Privrženost započinje od najranijeg doba, od rođenja,
s primarnim skrbnikom. Ona zatim ima utjecaj na daljnji socioemocionalni razvoj,
proizlazi iz interakcija, a da bi bila na razini koja je potrebna za što prihvatljiviji
proces prilagodbe, sve komponente koje su uključene u sam proces, trebaju biti
kompetentne s onim što predstavljaju. |
Abstract (english) | From birth, the child experiences adjustments, first to the people around him,
his family community, and then to the wider environment. It is of great importance
how the child is introduced to the new world, which is something
completely unknown to him. This paper discusses the adaptation of the child to a
new community, ie an educational institution, which should create cooperation and
partnership with parents as a safe and desirable environment for the upbringing and
education of the child. I will first describe all the components that make up an
educational institution, including a child, as the main individual. Each of these
components has its own action, and they must be able to act together with each other.
All of the above is encompassed and described by Bronfenbrenner's theory of
The educational institution is completely unknown to the child, and he should be
treated accordingly. The mere adaptation of the child to life in an educational
institution is a process, which is individual and considering this, lasts differently.
It takes time, effort, attention and interaction with each other in order for the
adjustment process itself to as socio-emotionally for the child, but also for other
participants. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to mention social
competences, as important factors of growth and development, including the
adjustment process. A precondition for all this is the already achieved level of
affection, which I will describe through the components it goes trough, along with
the participants. Attachment begins from the earliest age, from birth, with the
primary caregiver. It then has an impact on further socio-emotional development,
stems from interactions, and to be at the level needed for the most acceptable
adaptation process possible, all the components involved in the process itself, need
to be competent with what they represent. |