Title Kineziološka aktivnost u ovisnosti o mjestu stanovanja
Title (english) Kinesiological activity in the corelation with the place of residence
Author Nina Radman
Mentor Ivan Prskalo (mentor)
Committee member Marko Badrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Lorger (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Prskalo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Kinesiological Recreation
Abstract Kineziološka aktivnost predstavlja temelj zdravog života, osobito u suvremenom dobu u kojem ljudi imaju sve manje potrebe za aktivnim kretanjem i rekreacijom. Trendovi globalizacije, digitalizacije te razvoja novih tehnologija uvelike su pospješili određene aspekte ljudskog života poput ubrzanja svakodnevnih aktivnosti, no istovremeno su stvorili negativan utjecaj na očuvanje fizičkog zdravlja i potrebu za tjelesnom aktivnošću. Upravo se zbog toga u suvremenom svijetu javlja sve više zdravstvenih poremećaja vezanih uz nedostatak kineziološke aktivnosti i pretilost, poput dijabetesa te kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Ova problematika osobito pogađa djecu i mlade, s obzirom na sve intenzivnije korištenje zabavne tehnologije umjesto sportskih i rekreativnih aktivnosti. Stoga je važno prepoznati ključne faktore rizika za zdravstveno stanje djece i mladih, i pravovremeno poduzeti prevencijske mjere, koje primarno uključuju uvođenje učestalije kineziološke aktivnosti te razvoj svijesti o važnosti sporta i rekreacije.
U sklopu predmetnog diplomskog rada, detaljno će se razmotriti kineziološka aktivnost kod djece, s naglaskom na implikacije rekreacije i sporta na zdravstveni aspekt djece u školskoj dobi. U sklopu rada fokus će se staviti na demografsku analizu gradova Zagreba i Daruvara, kako bi se identificiralo trenutno stanje mlade populacije, kao i stanje raspoložive infrastrukture za sportsko-rekreativne aktivnosti. Primarni je cilj rada stjecanje uvida u kineziološku aktivnost učenika u Hrvatskoj, s naglaskom na gradove Zagreb i Daruvar, u sklopu čega će se provesti empirijsko istraživanje. Empirijsko istraživanje provesti će se putem prikupljanja podataka o fizičkoj aktivnosti učenika u odabranim danima, slijedom čega će se utvrditi učestalost i pristup kineziološkoj aktivnosti u svakome od promatranih gradova. Naposljetku, provest će se komparativna analiza kako bi se utvrdile ključne razlike u pristupu kineziološkoj aktivnosti učenika u Zagrebu i Daruvaru.
Abstract (english) Kinesiological activity is the foundation of a healthy life, especially in the modern age in which people have less and less need for active movement and recreation. Trends in globalization, digitalization and the development of new technologies have greatly enhanced certain aspects of life, such as the acceleration of daily activities, but at the same time have created a negative impact on maintaining physical health and the need for physical activity. This is why there are more and more health disorders in the modern world related to the lack of kinesiological activity and obesity, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This issue particularly affects children and young people, given the increasing use of entertainment technology instead of sports and recreational activities. It is therefore important to identify key risk factors for the health of children and young people, and to take timely preventive measures, which primarily include the introduction of more frequent kinesiological activity and raising awareness of the importance of sports and recreation.
As part of this thesis, kinesiological activity in children will be considered in great detail, giving emphasis to the implications of recreation and sports on the health aspect of school-age children. The paper will focus on the demographic analysis of the cities of Zagreb and Daruvar, in order to identify the current state of the young population, as well as the state of the available infrastructure for sports and recreational activities. The primary goal of the paper is to gain insight into the kinesiological activity of students in Croatia, with an emphasis on the cities of Zagreb and Daruvar, as part of which an empirical research will be conducted. The empirical research will be conducted by collecting data on physical activity of students on selected days, which will determine the frequency and access to kinesiological activity in each of the observed cities. Finally, a comparative analysis will be conducted to identify key differences in the approach to student kinesiology activity in Zagreb and Daruvar.
kineziološka aktivnost
zdrav način života
fizičko zdravlje
poremećaji zdravlja
Keywords (english)
kinesiological activity
healthy lifestyle
physical health
health disorders
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:536326
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-18 12:08:35