Title Likovno stvaralaštvo djeteta potaknuto djelima Vincenta Van Gogha
Title (english) The Child's Creation of Art Inspired by the Works of Vincent Van Gogh
Author Antonija Alerić
Mentor Antonija Balić-Šimrak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Arts) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Vincent van Gogh bio je umjetnik osobita izražaja s čijim se originalnim, slobodnim, razigranim i ranjivim likovnim stvaralaštvom djeca mogu poistovjetiti. On je likovnom stvaralaštvu uvijek pristupao nekonvencionalno, te je upravo zbog toga stvorio svoj neponovljivo originalni stil i viziju umjetnosti čija je posebnost nažalost bila prekasno priznata i shvaćena. Susretanje s njegovim umjetničkim djelima, kao i s mnogim djelima drugih umjetnika, od velike je važnosti za razvijanje dječjeg likovnog stvaralaštva, bogaćenje dječjih misli, razvijanja estetike i senzibilnosti u djece, poticanje na rađanje novih ideja i motivacije za likovno izražavanje. Svačiji doživljaj umjetničkog djela uvelike ima veze sa psihološkim stanjem pojedinca i sa njegovim životnim iskustvom, stoga će vizija raznih umjetničkih djela svakom djetetu biti subjektivan doživljaj i svatko će djelu dati vlastiti smisao. Djeci je kod njihovog oblikovanja likovnog mišljenja i likovnog izražavanja potrebno dati potpunu slobodu u izražavanju njihovog autentičnog stila kojeg oni spontano izražavaju vođeni iskustvom interakcije njihovog unutarnjeg svijeta sa okolinom koja ih okružuje. Mnoga Van Goghova djela su pogodna za promatranje i analizu s djecom te mogu poslužiti kao motivacija za likovne i ostale aktivnosti s djecom u vrtiću, s obzirom na živost i neopterećenost njegovog stila, ali i realnu tematiku poznate svakodnevice koja je bliska i razumljiva djeci. Promatrajući život i djela Vincenta van Gogha, uviđa se da je likovno stvaralaštvo za njega bilo terapija, utjeha i kanal izražavanja svih njegovih unutarnjih previranja. Likovno stvaralaštvo je upravo to i za djecu jer tim kreativnim, oslobađajućim i iscjeljujućim procesom izražavaju svoju psihu, misli i osjećaje koje im je teško izraziti riječima.
Važna je zadaća djetetove okoline da vođeni djetetovim razvojnim fazama potiču dijete na različite oblike likovnog izražavanja vođeni znanjem o raznim umjetničkim djelima, ali vođeni i vlastitom intrizičnom motivacijom, kreativnošću i maštom koje trebaju biti dobrodošle i poticane kako bi dijete stvorilo pozitivnu sliku o samome sebi i tako nesmetano stvaralo.
Abstract (english) Vincent van Gogh was an artist with an unique expression and children can identify with his original, free, playful and vulnerable artistic creativity. He always approached artistic creation unconventionally, and precisely because of that he created his uniquely original style and vision of art that is special, although unfortunately, it was understood and recognized way too late. Encountering his works of art, as well as many other artist's works, is of great importance for the development of children's art, enriching children's thoughts, developing aesthetics and feelings in children, encouraging the birth of new ideas and motivation for life expression. Everyone's perception of art pieces has a lot to do with the psychological state of the individual and with their life experience, so each child's different approach to artwork will be a subjective experience, and every child will give it their own meaning. In shaping their artistic thinking and artistic expression, children need to be given complete freedom in expressing their authentic style, which they spontaneously express guided by their experience of the interaction between their inner world and the environment that surrounds them.
Many of Van Gogh's works are suitable for observation and analysis with children and they can serve as a motivation for art and other activities with children in preschool, given the vivaciousness and freedom of his style, but also the real theme of familiar everyday life that is close and comprehensible to children. Observing the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh, it is seen that artistical creation was a form of therapy and consolation for him, in which he embodied and channeled all of his inner turmoil. Art is exactly that for children as well, because they are creatively releasing and through the healing processes expressing their psyche, thoughts and feelings that are difficult for them to express in words.
It is an important task of the child's environment, guided by the child's developmental stages, to encourage the child to various forms of artistic expression guided by knowledge of various works of art, but also guided by their own intrinsic motivation, creativity and imagination which should be welcomed and encouraged in order for children to create a positive image of themselves, thus being able to create unhindered.
dječje likovno stvaralaštvo
umjetničko djelo
Vincent van Gogh
likovni izričaj
intrizična motivacija
Keywords (english)
children's artistic creation
work of art
Vincent van Gogh
art expression
intrinsic motivation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:412307
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi)
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Created on 2021-01-28 09:55:00