Abstract | Svako dijete ima pravo živjeti i razvijati se, biti poštivano i ravnopravno. Odrasli su tu da to djetetu i pruže. Najveći odrasli autoriteti koje dijete ima su roditelji i odgojitelji, a kasnije i učitelji. Njihova je zadaća da djetetu omoguće ostvarivanje svega što ono zaslužuje u najboljim mogućim uvjetim i na najbolji mogući način. Poznato je da se dijete u literaturi poistovjećuje s istraživačem. No, fokus većinom ostaje ili na ''normalnoj'' djeci ili na onoj djeci koja pokazuju teškoće u razvoju. Djeca s teškoćama pripadaju skupini djece s posebnim potrebama, ali toj skupini pripadaju i darovita djeca. Međutim, darovitu djecu se mnogo manje spominje, ne smatra ih se toliko važnima da bi druge ljude (buduće odgojitelje, roditelje, općenito odrasle) trebalo educirati o njima. To je kriva predodžba. Darovito dijete jest pojedinac koji otkad otvori oči vidi svijet drugačije od nas. Ono se brže razvija (i fizički i intelektualno), brže napreduje, privlače ga izazovi, brinu ga odrasli problemi, razumiju svijet odraslih i ne mogu se mijenjati. Odrasla osoba ne može promijeniti darovito dijete. Može ga zanemarivati, praviti se da ne vidi tu darovitost, može ga etiketirati kao ''posebnog'', ali ako ne poduzme adekvatne korake u brizi za takvo dijete, ono će trunuti i neće razvijati svoj potencijal. O nama ovisi kakav ćemo primjer pružiti takvom djetetu, hoćemo li mu svojim ponašanjem reći da ga prihvaćamo, vjerujemo u njega i da ćemo učiniti sve što možemo da mu pomognemo da se pravilno razvija, ili ćemo mu poručiti da nije dobrodošao sa svim svojim pitanjima, da bi trebao poštivati neke određene norme i ne razmišljati onako kako želi i treba? Cilj ovog rada je dati uvid u to tko su darovita djeca, kako ih možemo prepoznati, na koji način se s njima radi i kako bi se trebalo raditi te što se s njima događa u procesu odrastanja. Za svrhu ovog rada provedeno je i istraživanje o kompetencijama odgojitelja za rad s darovitom djecom u predškolskim odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama. |
Abstract (english) | Every child has a right to live and develop, to be equal and treated with respect. Grown ups are here to give that to a child. The biggest adult authority a child has are his parents and preschool teachers, and later in life – teachers. Their task is to give children opportunity to achieve everything they deserve in the best conditions possible and in the best way possible. It is well known that a child is compared to a schientist in literature. Still, the focus mostly stays on ''normal'' children or the ones with development difficulties. Children with difficulties belong to a children with special needs group, but gifted children belog in that same group. However, gifted children are much less mentioned, they are not considered that important for other people (future preschool teachers, parents, adults in general) to be educated about. A gifted child is an individual who sees the world in a different way as soon as he opens his eyes. Gifted children develop faster (both physically and intelectually), progress faster, are attracted to challenges, worry about adult problems, understan the adult way of life and they can not change who they are. Adults can not change a gifted child. They can ignore it, pretend that they do not see the giftedness, they can etiquette it as ''special'', but if they do not take adequate steps in taking care of a gifted child, it will rot and will not develop it's potential. It is up to us to give an example to this child. Will our behaviour tell him that we accept him as he is, that we believe in him and will do anything to help them grow in a right way, or will we tell him he is not welcome with all of his questions, that he should follow certain norms and stop thinking the way he wants and needs to? The aim of this report is to give a perspective about who gifted children are, how we can identify them, how we can work with them, how they should be handled and what happens with them in the process of growing up. For the purpose of this report, a research was conducted discussing preschool teachers abilites and competences for working with gifted children in a preschool establishment. |