Abstract | U radu se navodi pojam i značenje morala koji se odnosi na moralni razvoj, moralni odgoj i moralno ponašanje djece. Odgoj unutar obitelji i institucionalni odgoj koji se proteže od najranijeg djetinjstva do adolescencije uvelike utječe na formiranje ličnosti pojedinca. Cilj je osvijestiti važnost moralnih vrijednosti kao osnove odgoja koja će formirati moralnu ličnost, moralnog pojedinca koji će biti spreman suočiti se sa svim izazovima života odgovorno i sukladno sustavu vrijednosti svoga kulturološko-civilizacijskoga kruga. Naglasak je na odgoju koji je prožet moralnim i humanim vrijednostima, primjerenima djetetovu razvojnom stupnju.
Moralne vrijednosti su smjernice u odgoju roditeljima, odgojiteljima i skrbnicima, put koji vodi formiranju moralnog ponašanja pojedinca. Opisane se neke aktivnosti u radu s djecom kojima se potiče usvajanje i razvitak humanih vrijednosti kao što su: odgovornost, tolerancija, prijateljstvo, nenasilje, poštovanje, briga za druge i solidarnost, suradnja i pravednost. Dijete ih usvaja u igri i tako izgrađuje svoju osobnost. Pomoću igre, u neposrednom iskustvu, dijete stječe nove vrijednosti i spoznaje međuljudskih odnosa i posljedice vlastitog djelovanja. Osvješćuje odgovornost prema sebi i bližnjima, stvara nova prijateljstva i gradi prijateljske odnose. Aktivnim djelovanjem stječe socijalne vještine i izgrađuje sebe kao pojedinca.
Tu važnu ulogu u odgoju preuzimaju roditelji kao primarni odgajatelji svoje djece. Velike su razlike u strukturi roditeljske uloge nekad i danas u odnosu prema djetetu. Roditelji su odgovorni prema djetetu, ali i prema društvu. Bitno je osvijestiti tu odgovornost roditeljstva u tako važnoj ulozi koja se nameće sama po sebi u životnom ciklusu. Nužna je kvalitetna priprema i izgradnja pojedinca od najranije dobi za obiteljski i društveni život, jer obitelj je osnova društva. U središnjici odgoja je sam čovjek, a vrhuncem odgoja smatra se postizanje kreposna čovjeka i ovladavanje vrlinama kao dobrim karakternim osobinama. |
Abstract (english) | The paper identifies and defines morality in reference to moral development, moral upbringing, and moral behavior in children. Child-rearing in the family and institutional upbringing, which start in early childhood and continue until adolescence, significantly affect the forming of an individual’s personality. The aim is to raise awareness of moral values as the foundation of upbringing that will shape a moral personality, a moral individual equipped to brave all the challenges of life responsibly and in line with the system of values shared by his or her cultural and civilizational sphere. Emphasis is put on upbringing imbued with moral and human values, appropriate for the child’s developmental stage. Moral values are upbringing guidelines for parents, educators, and guardians, a pathway towards the shaping of an individual’s moral behavior. The paper describes specific activities in working with children aimed at encouraging the adoption and development of human values such as responsibility, tolerance, friendship, nonviolence, respect, care for others and solidarity, cooperation, and righteousness. A child adopts these values during play, thus building his or her personality. Throughout the immediate experience of play, the child fosters new values and gains insight into human relationships and the consequences of his or her own actions. The child becomes aware of his or her responsibility towards himself or herself and towards his or her loved ones, develops new friendships, and builds friendly relations. The child adopts social skills through active engagement and builds himself or herself as an individual. This important role in a child’s upbringing is assumed by parents as primary educators of their children. The structure of the role of the parent in relation to the child today differs significantly compared to the role before. Parents have a responsibility to the child, but also to society. It is important to become aware of the responsibility of parenthood in such a significant role, which is assumed almost automatically in a person’s life. Quality preparation and building of an individual for family and social life since the earliest age is vital because family is the foundation of society. The centerline of upbringing is the very person, and the pinnacle of education is developing a virtuous person and mastering virtues as good character traits. |