Title Način izvještavanja o djeci u medijima - analiza medijskih sadržaja
Title (english) Ways of Reporting about Children in the Media - Analysis of Media Content
Author Tihana Grabarić
Mentor Tamara Gazdić- Alerić (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Budinski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Kolar Billege (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Gazdić- Alerić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Dolaskom novih medija neki stariji oblici poput novina i časopisa mijenjaju svoj oblik i prilagođavaju se trendovima. Gotovo su sve tiskovine napravile svoju digitalnu inačicu. Svakodnevna objava novih članaka u realnom vremenu rezultirala je velikom čitanosti takvih medija. Prema istraživanju Vlainić (2012) koje se bavi izvještavanjem o djeci u Jutarnjem i Večernjem listu istraživani člancinajčešće iskorištavaju ‘’dječju emocionalnu bol kao sredstvo kojim se potresno djeluje na čitatelje i izaziva sućut, a sve u svrhu povećanja naklade.’’
Ustav Republike Hrvatske, kao temeljni zakonski akt države, propisuje u članku 35.‘’Svakom se jamči štovanje i pravna zaštita njegova osobnog i obiteljskog života, dostojanstva, ugleda i časti.’’ (Ustav Republike Hrvatske NN85/2010). Bez obzira na velik broj pravnih akata kojima se štite prava djece, poput Uredbe o zaštiti osobnih podataka (GDPR), Zakona o medijima, Ustava Republike Hrvatske i Zakona o zaštiti osobnih podataka, ovim radom htjelo se istražiti poštuju li se navedeni propisi i zakoni te dolazi li, i u kojoj mjeri, do njihova nepoštivanja u praksi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja jest utvrditi koliko se često objavljuju članci vezani uz djecu na portalima Jutarnji.hr i Index.hr, pogotovo ako je riječ o tragičnim slučajeva, nasilju ili smrti. Glavno problemsko pitanje koje se postavlja tijekom cijelog rada jest: Koliko često digitalne verzije hrvatskih novina i portali objavljuju osobne podatke djece poput imena, prezimena, dobi i fotografije? Korpus ovog istraživanja činili su tekstovi dvaju već spomenutih internetskih portala koji su praćeni od 1. do 31. kolovoza 2019. U navedenom razdoblju proučeni su svi objavljeni članci u kojima je uočen velik broj objava vezanih uz malodobnu djecu. U tim člancima dolazilo je do redovitog nepoštivanja dječjih prava i prava privatnosti objavljivanjem osobnih podataka – imena i/ili prezimena i/ili dobi djeteta i maloljetnika. Dijete se definira kao osoba koja nije navršila 18 godina života, a maloljetnici kao osobe nakon navršene 16. godine, ali prije 18. godine. Zamijećeno je da se na oba portala redovito iznose spomenuti osobni podatci djece koji bi trebali biti zaštićeni i, prema spomenutim pravnim aktima, ne bi smjeli biti javno objavljeni.
Abstract (english) With the advent of new media, some older forms such as newspapers and magazines are changing their shape and adapting to trends. Almost all publications have made their digital version. The daily publication of new articles in real-time has resulted in a high readership of such media. According to M. Vlainić's research on reporting in Jutarnji and Večernji list, the most frequently published articles use "children's emotional pain as a means of shockingly affecting readers and provoking sympathy, all to increase reading." Vlainic, 2012)
The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, as a basic legal act of the state, prescribes in Article 35 "Everyone is guaranteed the respect and legal protection of his personal and family life, dignity, reputation and honour." (Constitution of the Republic of Croatia NN85 / 2010). Notwithstanding the large number of laws that protect the rights of children, such as; General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Media Act, the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and the Personal Data Protection Act sought to investigate whether these regulations and laws are being violated.
This research aims to determine how often articles related to children are published on the Jutarnji.hr and Index.hr portals, especially in the case of tragic cases, violence or death. The main problematic question that is asked throughout the paper is: How often do digital versions of Croatian newspapers and portals publish children's data such as names, surnames, ages and photographs? The corpus of this research consisted of the texts of the two already mentioned Internet portals, which were monitored from 1 to 31 August 2019. During this period, all published articles were studied in which a large number of publications related to minor children were observed. In these articles, there was a regular violation of children's rights and privacy rights through the disclosure of personal data; whether it is the publication of the name, surname and age of the child and the minor. A child is defined as a person who has not reached the age of 18, and minors as persons after the age of 16, but before the age of 18. It has been noticed that this information is regularly presented on both portals - the identities of children, who should be protected, were published in almost every article.
zakon o medijima
dječja prava
zaštita osobnih podataka u medijima
Keywords (english)
media law
children's rights
protection of personal data in the media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:381051
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-18 09:12:09