Title Važnost ilustracije u dječjoj slikovnici i njeno nastajanje
Title (english) Importance of the illustration in a children´s picture book and it´s formation
Author Martina Sabadžija
Mentor Antonija Balić-Šimrak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Abstract Slikovnica je prva knjiga s kojom se dijete susreće u svom životu, ona sjedinjava umjetnost riječi i ilustracije. Iako dobnih granica za uživanje u slikovnici nema, ona je najčešće stvorena za djecu. Slikovnica je zanimljiva djeci jer ju tumače na temelju njenih ilustracija. Temeljno pitanje je onda kvaliteta slikovnice i važnost ilustracije u slikovnicama. U neposrednom radu s djecom, susrećemo se s raznim slikovnicama, od onih taktilnih, strip slikovnica, audio-vizualnih, čitalačkih slikovnica do interaktivnih slikovnica i raznih drugih. Postavlja se pitanje važnosti ilustracije u slikovnici baš zbog samostalnog doživljaja djeteta slikovnice i hoće li mu ilustracija na pravilan način prikazati radnju.
U prvom dijelu rada objašnjen je pojam slikovnica, kako se je slikovnica kroz povijest gradila i predstavljala djeci, koje su prve teme slikovnice. U prvom dijelu objašnjava se i podijela slikovnica prema obliku, dobi djeteta, prema načinu prezentacije sadržaja, slikovnice s obzirom na likovnu tehniku kao i funkcije koje slikovnica pruža. U slikovnici se istovremeno isprepliču tekst i ilustracija. Zato je vrlo važno spomenuti važnost ilustracije u slikovnicama, također i njenu povijest kako se prilagođavala čitateljima. Autori ilustracije su profesionalni u svom poslu, važno je spomenuti i stilove ilustracija u dječjim slikovnicama kao i dječju ilustraciju.
Drugi dio diplomskog rada sastoji se od praktičnog dijela provođenja neposredne aktivnosti s djecom i ilustriranja priče dječjim radovima. Djeca nakon odlušane priče određuju koji dio priče im je najzanimljiviji i na taj način stvaraju svatko po jedan dio ilustracije. Dječji radovi će biti uređeni uz pomoć raznih internetskih uređivača fotografija. Završni produkt provođenja neposrednih aktivnosti u dječjoj skupini bit će nastanaka vlastitih ilustracija na ponuđenu priču.
Abstract (english) The picture book is the first book that a child encounters in his life, it unites the art of words and illustrations. Although, there are no age limits for enjoying a picture book, it is most often created for children. The picture book is interesting to children because they interpret it based on her illustrations. The fundamental question then is the quality of picture books and the importance of illustration in picture books. In direct work with children, I come across a variety of picture books, from tactile, comic picture books, audio-visual, reading picture books to interactive picture books and various others. The question arises as to the importance of illustration in a picture book precisely because of the child's independent experience of the picture book and stiles of the illustration will show him the action in the right way.
The first part of the paper explains the concept of picture books, how the picture book has been built and presented to children throughout history, which are the first topics of the picture book. The first part explains the division of picture books according to the form, age of the child, according to the way of presenting the content, the picture book with regard to art technique as well as the functions that the picture book provides. The textbook intertwines text and illustration at the same time. That is why it is very important to mention the importance of illustration in picture books, as well as its history of how it was adapted to readers. The authors of the illustration are professional in their work, it is important to mention the styles of illustrations in children's picture books as well as children's illustration.
The second part of the diploma thesis consists of the practical part of conducting direct activities with children and illustrating the story with children's works. After the story has been solved, the children determine which part of the story is most interesting to them, and in this way they each create a part of the illustration. Children's works will be edited with the help of various online photo editors. The final product of the implementation of direct activities in the children's group will be the creation of their own illustrations to the offered story.
vrste slikovnica
Keywords (english)
picture book
types of picture books
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:744275
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-19 12:49:34