Abstract | Stvarni utjecaj mobilnih uređaja na društvo još uvijek nije dovoljno istražen, a pametni telefoni neizostavni su dio ljudskih života, kako u privatnoj, tako i u poslovnoj sferi. Kako bi se dao što bolji uvid u utjecaj moderne tehnologije na društvo, u teorijskom dijelu rada obrađena je definicija obitelji i pojedinca, potom je istraženo porijeklo i funkcija obitelji te stilovi odgoja. Istaknuto je kako je zbog ubrzanog načina života sve više obitelji pod utjecajem medija i moderne tehnologije. Djeca u najranijoj dobi postaju žrtve moderne tehnologije, posebice mobitela, jer roditelji vrlo često nemaju dovoljno vremena za njih. Ujedno su i sami roditelji nemoćni, ne znaju kako usmjeriti djecu, a da tehnologija ne bi toliko negativno utjecala na njih. U istraživačkom dijelu rada, s anketom kao osnovnom istraživačkom metodom, analiziran je utjecaj mobitela u obitelji od najranije dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno u suradnji s odgojiteljicama i roditeljima, a cilj je bio istražiti zastupljenost mobitela u obitelji, koliko vremena djeca rane dobi provode na mobitelima te ima li to i kakvog utjecaja na stvaranje ovisnosti u kasnijoj dobi. Intenzivni razvoj informacijsko – komunikacijske tehnologije tijekom 20. i 21. stoljeća prati i transformacija obiteljske zajednice koja, da bi bila ukorak s razvojem i napretkom tehnologije, mora prihvatiti savjete stručnjaka kako pristupiti korištenju mobitela i medija (medijska pismenost), kako ih pretvoriti u zajedničku obiteljsku aktivnost te kako iskoristiti pozitivne strane i spriječiti negativne utjecaje medijskih sadržaja. |
Abstract (english) | Smartphones have become indispensable part of human lives, both in private and business sphere, yet the real impact of mobile devices on society and the consequent changes within are still not sufficiently explored. The theoretical part explains concepts such as traditional and modern family, parenting styles, positive and negative influences of mobile phones, modern technology, virtual violence, media literacy, etc. In the practical part, the impact of mobile phones on the family life from the earliest age was analyzed by a quantitative methodological approach, with a survey as the basic research method. The research was conducted in collaboration with educators and parents, and the aim was to investigate the prevalence of mobile phones in a family, how much time young children spend on mobile phones, and whether this has any impact on addiction in later life. In order to give a better insight into the effect a modern technology has on society, the family and the individual, the definition of the family was first processed, then the origin and function of the family and parenting styles were explored. The intensive development of information and communication technologies during both 20th and 21st century is accompanied by the transformation of the family community. It was pointed out that due to the accelerated lifestyle, more and more families are influenced by the media and modern technology. Children at an early age become servants of modern technology, especially cell phones, because parents do not have much time to deal with them. At the same time, parents themselves are powerless, they do not know how to direct their children so that technology does not affect them so negatively. Therefore, in this final paper, we highlight some of the tips on how to approach the use of mobile phones and the media (media literacy), how to use them for joint family activities, and how to extract the positive sides of the media and modern technologies and avoid the negative one. |