Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada jest „Utjecaj tradicijskog stvaralaštva na razvoj djece“ koju sam izabrala zato što je to područje na kojem aktivno temeljim svoj neposredni odgojno- obrazovni rad. Smatram da se tradicijsko stvaralaštvo može „bogato“ provući kroz sva odgojno-obrazovna područja te utjecati na razvoj svih djetetovih kompetencija. Djeca su prirodno znatiželjna bića i zanima ih sve što im je nepoznato, te što im se predstavi i ponudi na njima primjeren i zanimljiv način . Da bi dijete usvojilo temelje kulturne baštine, ono mora imati suradnike, roditelje, odgojitelje koji će poticati dječju znatiželju, kreativnost, stajališta i razmišljanja. Djetetu neposredno poslije rođenja igra postaje jedino sredstvo komunikacije s ljudima i okolinom u kojoj živi. Djeca vole igru kroz pokret, pjesmu, vole igre s pjevanjem, brojalice, zanima ih kulturno nasljeđe naših predaka ako im se predstavi na zanimljiv način. Dječji folklor ima sve bitne elemente tradicijskog nasljeđa. Osim s folklornim pjesama i plesovima, djeca se kroz folklor susreću i s dječjim tradicijskim igračkama i instrumentima napravljenima od prirodnih materijala, s različitim običajima, dječjim igrama te odjećom i obućom iz prošlosti. Folklorni elementi su svi sadržaji koji su povezani s nacionalnom baštinom i tradicijom. Povezani su kroz mnoge sadržaje- od glazbenih, plesnih, likovnih, pisanih, tradicijskih i autohtonih, instrumenata, narodnih nošnji i alata koji su se koristili u određenom razdoblju. Prenosili su se pisanim zapisom, ali u većini slučajeva bila je to usmena predaja s koljena na koljeno. Glavni preduvjet za uspješan rad s djecom jest znanje o primjerenom i autentičnom izboru materijala te poznavanje metodike rada. Literatura iz područja dječjeg folklora vrlo je oskudna. Najveći doprinos tradicijskom stvaralaštvu na našem području dao je Goran Knežević, prvi dječji folklorni pedagog i koreograf u Hrvatskoj, autor mnogobrojne etnološke literature o dječjem tradicijskom stvaralaštvu, te voditelj seminara koje sam redovito pohađala. U radu sam se najviše služila njegovom literaturom, te u neposrednom radu s djecom često upotrebljavam njegove sadržaje i metodiku rada.
Kao rezultat provođenja tradicijskog stvaralaštva u radu s djecom, osim kulturnog stvaralaštva posredno utječemo i na razvoj humanih vrijednosti, potičemo djecu na zajedništvo i međusobnu suradnju, dobro raspoloženje i veselo ozračje koje rezultira pozitivnom slikom o sebi i drugima, te odličnom kohezijom grupe, koje pozitivno utječe na njihov socio- emocionalni rast i razvoj, koji je temelj daljneg rasta i razvoja djece. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis is "The impact of traditional creativity on the development in children", which I chose because it is an area in which I actively base my immediate educational work. I believe that traditional creativity can be "richly" permeated through all educational areas and influence the development in all of children's competencies. Children are naturally curious beings and are interested in everything that is unknown to them, and that is presented to them and offered in an appropriate and interesting way. In order for a child to adopt the foundations of their cultural heritage, he or she must have co-workers, parents, educators who will encourage children's curiosity, creativity, attitudes and thinking. Immediately after the birth of a child, play becomes the only means of communication with people and the environment in which he lives. Children love to play through movement, song. They love games with singing, counting and are interested in the cultural heritage of our ancestors if it is presented to them in a certain way. Children's folklore has all the essential elements of traditional heritage. In addition to the folklore songs and dances, children through folklore meet children's traditional toys and instruments made of materials from nature, various customs, children's games and clothes and shoes from the past. Folklore elements are all contents that are connected with the national heritage and tradition. They are connected through many contents from music, dance, art, writing, traditional and indigenous, instruments, folk costumes and tools that were used in a certain period. They were transmitted by written record, but in most cases, it was an oral tradition from generation to generation. The main prerequisite for successful work with children is knowledge of the appropriate and authentic choice of materials and knowledge of the methodology of work. Literature in the field of children's folklore is very scarce. The greatest contribution to Traditional Creativity in our area was made by Goran Knežević, the first children's folklore pedagogue and choreographer in Croatia. Author of numerous ethnological literatures on children's traditional creativity, as well as the leader of seminars that I regularly attended. In my work I have mostly used his literature, and in direct work with children I often use its contents and work methodology. As a result of traditional creativity in working with children, in addition to cultural creativity, we indirectly influence the development of human values, encourage children to community and mutual cooperation, good mood and cheerful atmosphere that results in a positive image of themselves and others, and excellent cohesion of the group. affects their socio-emotional growth and development, which is the foundation of further growth and development of children. |