Title Pristup odgojitelja i stručnih suradnika u pružanju podrške djeci suočenom s gubitkom bliske osobe
Title (english) Approach of early education teachers and professional associates in giving support to children faced with loss of close persons
Author Vlatka Perić
Mentor Daria Rovan (mentor)
Committee member Lana Jurčec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daria Rovan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ema Petričević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-02-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Sva djeca dožive gubitak – to je neizbježan dio odrastanja. Prvi djetetov susret s gubitkom može biti gubitak omiljene igračke, smrt kućnog ljubimca, a ponekad i smrt brata ili sestre, bake ili djeda, kao i smrt roditelja i drugih njemu bliskih osoba. Međutim, smrt roditelja ima po dijete najveće posljedice. To je egzistencijalno i razvojno najteži i zato i najbolniji gubitak. Na dječje tugovanje, kao i na percepciju gubitka (smrti) i na ekspresiju emocija, utječe stupanj djetetovog kognitivnog
... More i emocionalnog razvoja. Odrasli (roditelji ili skrbnici, odgojitelji) su jedan od iznimno važnih i moćnih činitelja u procesu tugovanja djece te oni od njih (prirodno) očekuju podršku i zaštitu u situaciji gubitka. Nadalje, ne smije se izgubiti iz vida prirodna potreba djeteta za ponovnim interpretiranjem gubitka (smrti) na slijedećem stupnju djetetovog kognitivnog razvoja, kao i potreba za poticanjem njegovih razvojnih potencijala u smjeru nastavka razvojnih procesa tijekom djetinjstva. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je istražiti perspektivu odgojitelja i stručnih suradnika o pružanju podrške djeci suočenom s gubitkom bliske osobe tijekom boravka u dječjem vrtiću. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 10 odgojitelja i 10 stručnih suradnika (psihologa i pedagoga) s područja grada Rijeke i s područja grada Zagreba. U ovom istraživanju koristio se polustrukturirani intervju, a prikupljeni podaci analizirani su metodom analize sadržaja. Provedenim istraživanjem dobiveni su odgovori na postavljena istraživačka pitanja te je dobiven jasan uvid u različita iskustva odgojitelja i stručnih suradnika u pruţanju podrške djeci suočenom s gubitkom bliske osobe. Ovim je istraživanjem utvrđena perspektiva odgojitelja i stručnih suradnika o njihovoj ulozi u pruţanju podrške djeci suočenom s gubitkom bliske osobe. Odgojitelji ističu kako je njihova uloga prvenstveno usmjerena na podršku roditeljima, dok stručni suradnici smatraju kako je uloga odgojitelja prvenstveno usmjerena na podršku djetetu. Dok za ulogu stručnih suradnika, odgojitelji navode kako je ona prvenstveno usmjerena na podršku i pomoć odgojiteljima, stručni suradnici smatraju kako je njihova uloga prvenstveno usmjerena na podršku djetetu. Svi sudionici u istraţivanju prepoznaju kako stručna služba vrtića i odgojitelji trebaju svakodnevno i planski surađivati kako bi se ostvario najbolji mogući pristup djeci koja su suočena s gubitkom bliske osobe. Less
Abstract (english) SUMMARY
All children experience loss – it is inevitable part of growing up. First child's encounter with loss may be loss of the favourite toy, death of a pet and, sometimes, death of a brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather, as well as death of parents or caregivers. However, parental death has the biggest consequences. It is existentially and developmentally most difficult and therefore the most painful loss. Child's bereavement, perception of loss (death) and expression of emotions
... More are influenced by the level of child's cognitive and emotional development. Adults (parents or caregivers as well as teachers) are extraordinary important and powerful factors in children' s griefing process as they (children) naturally expect support and protection from them in the situation of loss. Furthermore, you mustn't ignore children's natural need for interpretation of loss (death) again on the next level of their cognitive development as well as need for encouraging their developmental potentials in the direction of continuous developmental processes during childhood. The aim of this research was to investigate the perspective of early education teachers and professional associates (psychologists and pedagogists) in giving support to children faced with the loss of close persons during their stay in the kindergarten. Ten kindergarten teachers and ten professional associates from Rijeka and Zagreb areas participated in the semi – structured interviews. Collected data were analysed by the method of content analysis. The results gave clear insight of different experiences of early education teachers and professional associates in giving support to a child faced with loss of a close person was got. The research revealed the perspective of early childhood teachers and professional associates about their roles in giving support to children who experienced loss of a close person. Early education teachers emphasize that their role is primarily directed to child support. Teachers specify that the role of professional associates is primarily directed to help and support teachers while professional associates consider that their role is primarily directed to child support. All participants recognize the fact that professional associates and early education teachers have to cooperate and plan on daily basis to realize the best possible approach to children faced with loss of a close person. Less
gubitak bliske osobe
rano djetinjstvo
proces tugovanja
rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
loss of a close person
early childhood
griefing process
preschool education and upbringing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:302077
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-05 12:38:39