Title Mišljenje roditelja o važnosti početnoga opismenjavanja u predškolskoj dobi
Title (english) Parents' Opinion on the Importance of Initial Literacy in Preschool
Author Marijana Banjavčić
Mentor Martina Kolar Billege (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Budinski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Jurkić-Sviben (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Kolar Billege (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract U radu se istražuje mišljenje roditelja i odgojitelja o važnosti početnoga opismenjavanja u predškolskoj dobi. Budući da je suodnos roditelja i odgojitelja primaran za odgoji i obrazovanje u predškolskoj dobi, smatramo da je istraživanje povezanosti mišljenja o toj važnosti relevantno za početno opismenjavanje u predškolskoj dobi. Čitanje i pisanje jezične su vještine svojstvene čovjeku. Na tim vještinama počiva ljudska spoznaja svijeta i mogućnost daljnjega profesionalnog i osobnog napretka. Danas je prihvaćen multidisciplinarni pristup govorno-jezičnom procesu koji se razvija pod utjecajem urođenog znanja, spoznajnih sposobnosti i okruženja. Čitanje i pisanje jezične su vještine koje svoje početke nalaze u primarnim sposobnostima slušanja i govorenja. Put govorno-jezičnoga razvoja djeteta i razvoj fonološke i fonemske svjesnosti predstavljaju predvještine na kojima se temelji početno opismenjavanje u predškolskoj dobi. Krajnji cilj poučavanja čitanja jest čitanje iz ljubavi i stvaranje strastvenih, motiviranih čitatelja. Cilj je istraživanja ispitati mišljenje roditelja i odgojitelja o važnosti razvoja predčitačkih vještina u predškolskoj dobi. Problemima istraživanja provjerilo se mišljenje roditelja o potrebi učenja čitanja i pisanja prije polaska djece u prvi razred s obzirom na njihovo obrazovanje i broj djece u obitelji koja već pohađaju školu te mišljenje odgojitelja o istom problemu, ali i potrebi provođenja aktivnosti vezanih za razvoj predčitačkih vještina prije polaska u školu. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo uzorak od N = 119 roditelja djece vrtićke dobi i N = 203 odgojitelja s područja Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati nisu pokazali pozitivnu povezanost obrazovanja roditelja i očekivanja da djeca nauče čitati i pisati prije polaska u školu, no ipak s porastom broja djece u obitelji koja već idu u školu, raste i percepcija važnosti poznavanja čitanja i pisanja velikih tiskanih slova prije polaska u prvi razred. Odgojitelji smatraju da nije potrebno učiti čitati i pisati prije polaska u prvi razred, ali smatraju da su sve aktivnosti i vježbe razvoja fonološke svjesnosti važne i potrebno ih je provoditi prije polaska u školu. Takva razmišljanja potvrđena su i u literaturi koja se bavi problemima i dvojbama o tome treba li dijete znati čitati i pisati prije polaska u školu. Naglašava se važnost pravoga pristupa poučavanju čitanja koji neće kod djeteta izazvati otpor, odbojnosti i gubitak motivacije.
Abstract (english) The paper investigates the opinion of parents and educators on the importance of initial literacy in preschool age. Since the parent-educator relationship is primary for preschool education, we believe that researching the correlation of opinions about this importance is relevant for initial literacy in preschool age. Reading and writing are language skills inherent in man. Human cognition of the world and the possibility of further professional and personal progress rest on these skills. Today, a multidisciplinary approach to the speech-language process is adopted, which develops under the influence of innate knowledge, cognitive abilities and environment. Reading and writing are language skills that find their beginnings in the primary abilities of listening and speaking. The path of speech and language development of a child, and the development of phonological and phonemic awareness are the pre-skills on which the initial literacy in preschool age is based. The ultimate goal of teaching reading is to read out of love and create passionate, motivated readers. The aim of the research is to examine the opinion of parents and educators on the importance of developing pre-reading skills in preschool age. The research problems examined the opinions of parents on the need to learn to read and write before attending the first grade, given their education and the number of children in the family already attending school, and the opinion of educators on the same problem, but also the need for activities related to developing pre-reading skills before going to school. The research included a sample of N = 119 parents of children of kindergarten age and N = 203 educators from the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The results did not show a positive correlation between parents' education and expectations that children learn to read and write before school, however, with the increase in the number of children in the family already going to school, the perception of the importance of reading and writing capital letters before starting the first grade grows. Educators believe that it is not necessary to learn to read and write before starting the first grade, but they believe that all activities and exercises for the development of phonological awareness are important and should be carried out before starting school. Such considerations have been confirmed in the literature dealing with the problems and doubts of whether a child should be able to read and write before going to school. The importance of the right approach to teaching reading, which will not cause resistance, repulsion and loss of motivation in the child, is emphasized.
predškolska dob
početno opismenjavanje
Keywords (english)
preschool age
initial literacy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:567757
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-09 13:44:06