Title Uloga odgojitelja u poticanju jezičnih predvještina
Title (english) The role of the educator in encouraging language pre-skills
Author Lara Topić
Mentor Vesna Budinski (mentor)
Committee member Martina Kolar Billege (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Jurkić-Sviben (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Budinski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Croatian Language and Literature, Drama and Media Education) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Jedna od osam ključnih kompetencija prema Nacionalnom kurikulumu za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje (2014) je komunikacija na materinskom jeziku. Ona se ostvaruje djelatnostima slušanja, govorenja, čitanja i pisanja. Odgojno-obrazovni proces je sastavni dio života svakog djeteta. Od najranije dobi djetetova života potrebno je poticati razvoj predvještina čitanja i pisanja koje će mu biti temelj za daljnje usvajanje tih vještina. Predškolske ustanove prvi su oblik formalnog odgoja i obrazovanja djeteta, stoga je uloga odgojitelja u njima ključna. Odgojitelji od najranije dobi trebaju poticati djecu na usvajanje jezičnih predvještina koje su priprema za lakše daljnje obrazovanje (školu) te im omogućuju daljnji razvoj u mnogim područjima. Kvalitetnom organizacijom prostorno-materijalnog konteksta i suradnjom s roditeljima uspješno će poticati razvoj tih predvještina. U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada bit će opisane predvještine čitanja i pisanja, jezične (komunikacijske) djelatnosti početnog čitanja i pisanja, preduvjeti za razvoj predvještina čitanja i pisanja, fonološka osjetljivost te oblici motivacije za poticanje predvještina čitanja i pisanja. Također će biti opisana djelatnost čitanja, razvoj predčitačkih i čitačkih vještina te moguće teškoće koje se pojavljuju prilikom čitanja. Nadalje, bit će opisana djelatnost pisanja, pismenost u predškolskoj dobi, grafomotoričke vježbe kojima se potiču predvještine pisanja, metoda Plesa pisanja, kao i teškoće koje se pojavljuju prilikom pisanja. Važnu ulogu u poticanju jezičnih predvještina ima i okolina. Utjecaj okoline također je opisan u radu, kao i uloge roditelja i odgojitelja u poticanju jezičnih predvještina. U teorijskom dijelu se nalaze i aktivnosti koje odgojitelji koriste u svom radu tijekom poticanja jezičnih predvještina. U istraživačkom dijelu nalazi se provedeno kvalitativno istraživanje koje je provedeno putem ankete na daljinu. Uzorak se sastoji od deset ispitanika (N=10). Ispitanici su bile odgojiteljice iz pet predškolskih ustanova u Gradu Zagrebu. Cilj istraživanja je bio uvidjeti koju ulogu imaju odgojitelji u poticanju jezičnih predvještina. Dobiveni odgovori su kategorizirani prema postavljenim pitanjima.
Abstract (english) According to the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education (2014), one of the eight key competencies is communication innative language. It is realized through the activities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The educational process is an integral part of every child's life. From the earliest age of a child's life, it is necessary to encourage the development of reading and writing, which will be the basis for the further acquisition of these skills. Preschool institutions are the first form of child's formal upbringing and education, so the role of educators is crucial. From the earliest age, educators need to encourage children to adopt language skills. Language skills are important for further education (school) and enable child's development in many areas. With the right organization of the spatial-material context and cooperation with parents, educators will successfully encourage the development of these skills. The theoretical part of this Master thesis will describe the skills of reading and writing, language (communication) activities of initial reading and writing, preconditions for the development of reading and writing, phonological sensitivity and forms of motivation to encourage skills of reading and writing. Also, the thesis will describe the activity of reading, the development of pre-reading and reading skills and possible difficulties. Furthermore, there will be described the activity of writing, literacy in preschool age, graphomotor exercises that encourage writing skills, methods of Writing dance, as well as difficulties that occur when writing. The environment also plays an important role in encouraging language skills. The influence of the environment is also described in the thesis, as well as the roles of parents and educators in fostering language skills. The theoretical part also includes activities that educators use in their work in order to encourage language skills. In the research part of a thesis, there is a qualitative research that was conducted through a remote survey. The sample consist of ten respondents (N = 10). The respondents were educators from five preschool institutions in the city of Zagreb. The aim of the research was to recognize the role of educators in encouraging language skills. The obtained answers are categorized according to the asked questions.
jezične predvještine
predčitačke vještine
predvještine pisanja
Keywords (english)
language skills
pre-reading skills
pre-writing skills
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:157695
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-23 13:16:15