Title Utjecaj glazbe na razvoj govora kod djece jaslicke dobi
Title (english) The influence of music on speech development in children of nursery age
Author Matea Makaj
Mentor Josipa Kraljić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Vrandečić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Prša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Kraljić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education (Chair of Arts) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract „Pjeva domorodac kad se obraća nepoznatim silama, pjeva majka kad uspavljuje svoje dijete, pjeva radnik kada radi, pjeva seljak u polju i dijete u svojim igrama, pjevuši starac kad zasja sunce, pjeva onaj koji voli i tko se nada. I tek kad bi se čovječanstvu zabranilo pjevanje, shvatili bismo da je ono potreba ljudskog života.“ Rossa Agazzi
Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti ima li glazba, odnosno glazbene aktivnosti koje se provode u vrtiću, utjecaj na razvoj govora kod djece jasličke dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno u Dječjem vrtiću „Jabuka“ u Zagrebu, u starijoj jasličkoj skupini u kojoj boravi devetnaestero djece u dobi od dvije godine. Istraživanjem se želio provjeriti utjecaj učestale primjene glazbenih aktivnosti na brži razvoj djetetova govora. Željelo se istaknuti kako glazbene aktivnosti mogu bogatiti dječji vokabular te koliko je važna njihova primjena u dječjem vrtiću, osobito kod djece u jasličkoj dobi. Razvoj dječjeg govora je veoma složen i suptilan proces koji započinje od trenutka rođenja, a neki znanstvenici tvrde da započinje još za vrijeme trudnoće. Govor je socijalni fenomen i njegov je razvoj moguć isključivo u uvjetima ljudskog okruženja. On je uvijek bio i ostao osnovni način komunikacije među ljudima. Preduvjeti za njegov razvoj su: dobro zdravlje, uredno razvijeni govorni organi, uredan sluh, uredan intelektualni razvoj te stimulativno okruženje. Mala djeca usvajaju jezik tako brzo, lako i tijekom razvojnog razdoblja u kojem su njihove kognitivne sposobnosti još uvijek prilično nerazvijene. Obitelj je najbliže i najprirodnije okruženje djeteta te zato ona ima najveću ulogu u procesu dječjeg razvoja, uključujući i govora. Uz roditelje važna uloga pripada i predškolskim ustanovama. Planiranim odgojnim pristupom odgajatelji doprinose razvoju govora djeteta. Vrlo je važno puno pričati djetetu, slušati dijete, čitati mu i pjevati...
U radu se ističu pozitivni učinci glazbe, kako na govor, tako i na cijelo tijelo. Ukazuje se na važnost prvih glazbenih igra, cupkalice, tapšalice, igre zvukovima, kao jednog od najboljih sredstava kojima se potiče govor. Navode se i igre prstićima, koje su uz cupkalice i tapšalice, snažno sredstvo za poticanje razvoja govora.
Abstract (english) “A native sings when he addresses unknown forces, a mother sings when she puts her child to sleep, the worker sings when he works, the peasant in the field sings and the child in his games, the old man sings when the sun shines, sings the one who loves and who hopes. And only if humanity were banned from singing, we would understand that it is the need of human life." Rossa Agazzi
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the music, that is, the musical activities carried out in kindergarten have impact on speech development in children of nursery age. The research was conducted in kindergarten "Jabuka" in Zagreb in an older nursery group in which there are nineteen children at the age of two. The research sought out to test the impact of the frequent use of musical activities to accelerate the development of the child's speech. It was wanted to point out how musical activities can enrich children's vocabulary and how important their application is in kindergarten, especially in children at the nursery age.
The development of children's speech is a very complex and subtle process that starts from the moment of birth, and some scientists believe it begins as early as pregnancy. Speech is a social phenomenon and its development is possible only in the conditions of human environment. It has always been and remained the basic way of communication between people. Preconditions for its development are: good health, properly developed speech organs, orderly hearing, orderly intellectual development and stimulating environment. Young children learn language quickly and easily during development periods in which their cognitive abilities are still quite undeveloped. Family is the closest and most natural environment of the child and therefore it has the greatest role in the process of the child development, including speech. In addition to parents, an important role belongs to preschool institutions. Through a planned educational approach, educators contribute to the development of the child's speech. It is very important to talk to the child, listen to the child, read to him, sing...
The paper emphasizes the positive effects of music, both on speech and on the whole body. The importance of the first musical games, nursery rhymes, rhythmical games, sound games is pointed out, as one of the best means of encouraging speech. Finger games are also mentioned, which are next to the nursery rhymes and rhythmical games, a powerful means of stimulating speech development.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:265591
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-03-24 12:03:53