Abstract | Upoznavanje djece s biljnim i životinjskim svijetom koji nas okružuje vrlo je važno provoditi s vrtićkim uzrastom. Potrebno je provoditi različite vrste aktivnosti vezane uz okoliš s ciljem razvijanja svijesti o važnosti drveća za život čovjeka i životinja, o potrebi očuvanja šuma koje su tvornice kisika i staništa mnogih životinja. Provođenje aktivnosti iziskuje pripremu odgajatelja koja uključuje osmišljavanje aktivnosti, osiguravanje materijalnih uvjeta, provođenje aktivnosti u različitim centrima i refleksiju na provedenu aktivnost. Učenje o drveću u vrtićkoj dobi otvara mogućnost rada u svim centrima aktivnosti. Izbor aktivnosti i sudjelovanje u ponuđenim aktivnostima otkriva osobitosti razvojne faze djeteta i njegove individualne osobine. Za uspješno provođenje aktivnosti važno je da odgojitelj dobro poznaje djecu kako bi im prilagodio zahtjeve, materijale i način rada.
Završni rad sastoji se od dva dijela. Prvi dio je Drveće oko nas, a drugi dio Autohtone vrste drveća. U prvom dijelu rada interes je bio na ekološkoj, duhovnoj i ekonomskoj važnosti šume, dijelovima drveta i njihovoj funkciji, sadnji, rasprostranjivanju, prehranjivanju, onečišćenju i bolestima te životinjskim vrstama kojima je drveće stanište.
U drugom dijelu rada obrađeno je sedam autohtonih vrsta drveća: hrast lužnjak, obična bukva, obična jela, obična smreka, bijela vrba, obični grab i šumski bor. Izbor drveća ovisio je o području na kojem žive djeca s namjerom da se upoznaju s drvećem koje raste u njihovu okruženju. Cilj je proširiti znanje o drveću djece predškolskog uzrasta.
Praktični dio završnog rada trebalo je realizirati u predškolskoj vrtićkoj grupi, ali to nije bilo moguće zbog mjera opreza HZJZ uslijed pandemije Covida- 19. |
Abstract (english) | Familiarising children with the surrounding flora and fauna is very important to be conducted at kindergarten age. It is necessary to carry out different kinds of activities related to the environment in order to develop the sense of the importance of trees for the lives of people and animals, and the necessity of the preservation of forests being oxygen factories and home to many animals. The implementation of the activities requires a thorough preparation by the educators including designing the activities, ensuring material conditions, conducting the activities in different centres and reflecting upon the conducted activity. Learning about trees at kindergarten age opens the possibility of working in all the activity centres. The choice of activities and engaging in the activities offered reveal peculiarities in the development phase of a child and its individual characteristics. For a successful activity implementation it is very important for the educator to know the children well in order to adjust the requirements, materials and the methods of conduct.
The undergraduate thesis consists of two parts. The first part is Trees around us, and the second one Indigenous tree species. In the first part of the thesis the focus was on the ecological, spiritual, and economic importance of forests, the parts of trees, parts of trees and their functions, planting, distribution, fertilisation, polution and illnesses, along with the animal species that have their habitats in trees.
In the second part of the thesis I examined seven indigenous tree species: common oak, European beech, fir tree, spruce, white willow, European hornbeam and forest pine. The choice of trees depended on the area where children live with the intention of having them get to know the trees that grow in their surroundings. The aim is to broaden the knowledge of trees at kindergarten age.
The practical part of the thesis was supposed to be conducted in a preschool kindergarten group, but it was not possible because of the safety measures prescribed by the CIPH concerning Covid – 19 pandemic. |