Abstract | Čovjek, kao najkompleksnije biće prirode, krije brojne tajne i izazove. On je zahtjevna i široka tema za upoznavanje i razumijevanje. Djeci, koja pokazuju prirodni interes za likovni izraz, prikaz ljudskog lika je najčešće u odabiru prva tema koju nastoje kroz crtež istražiti i razumjeti. Mogli bismo reći da dijete počinje crtati čovjeka već kad je razvojno sposobno držati olovku u ruci. Nadalje, izazovi istraživanja i otkrivanja zanimljivih aspekata ljudskog tijela, njegovih mogućnosti pokretanja neiscrpna su motivacija za dječje likovno stvaralaštvo, a i za sam proces njegova otkrivanja i upoznavanja kroz likovni izraz. Poznato je da djeca tijekom svog odrastanja prolaze određene razvojne faze, kako spoznajne i tjelesne, tako i likovne. Od početnih nekontroliranih pokreta pri prvom susretu sa nekim sredstvom rada započinje njegov razvojni put likovnog sazrijevanja. Djeca cijeloga svijeta prolaze slične faze, ne samo u svom likovnom, već i općem razvitku. Prema tome, možemo smatrati da su razvojne faze u likovnom izražavanju ne samo univerzalne, nego i urođene. Promijene u likovnom sazrijevanju kreću od faze primarnih simbola, kada dijete doslovno ovladava sredstvom rada, preko složenih simbola u kojoj se postepeno prepoznaje reprezentacija stvarnosti, pa sve do faze intelektualnog i vizualnog realizma, gdje se dijete pomalo udaljuje od dječjih faza i približava izrazu odraslih. Međutim, iako sva djeca prolaze isti razvojni put, oni se unutar faza uvelike razlikuju. Individualne razlike svakog pojedinca donose određene specifičnosti koji određuju brzinu sazrijevanja. Odstupanja ovise o sposobnostima i mogućnostima pojedinca, nasljednim faktorima kao i utjecajima okoline. Kako je ljudski lik jedna od primarnih tema koje dijete odabire za likovni izričaj, upravo je to bio poticaj da se u ovom radu posvetimo svim specifičnostima njegova prikaza, od pojave kruga, preko glavonožaca pa sve do konvencionalnog lika. |
Abstract (english) | Man, as the most complex being of nature, hides many secrets and challenges within himself. He is a broad topic for exploration and understanding. He is usually the first topic of children who show natural interest for artistic expression try to explore an understand through their drawings. We can conclude that a child begins to draw a man as soon as he is developmentally able to hold a pen. Furthermore, the challenges of exploration and discovery of the interesting aspects of the human body encourage inexhaustible motivation for a child's artistic creativity and starts the process of his discovery and learning through artistic expression. It is well known that children pass through different development stages during growth: how cognitive and physical, so artistic as well. The child's road to artistic maturity begins with the first uncontrolled movement at the first meeting with a medium of expression. The children all over the world pass through similar stages, not only in their artistic, but also in their overall development. Therefore, we can assume that the development stages in artistic expression are not only universal, but congenital as well. Changes in artistic development range from simple primary symbols, when child masters the means of work, to more complex ones in which one can encourage a representation of reality, to the stage of intellectual and visual realism, when child drifts away from child's stage and arrives close to world and expression of adulthood. However, although all children undergo the same development, they are different within the stages. Individual differences decide the speed of maturation. Deviation from the norm, of course, depends on the capabilities and opportunities of the individual, heredity factors, and surrounding influences. So, although the order of the stages is predetermined, the duration of each stage is not. Considering that the human figure is one of the primary themes a child chooses for artistic expression, it was an incentive of this abstract to consider all its specific display, from the appearance of a circle to cephalopods, to its conventional form. |