Abstract | U ovom radu se analizira komunikacija u suradnji između roditelja i odgojitelja te u kojoj mjeri i na koji način utječe na cjelokupni rast i razvoj djeteta. Roditelj je najvažnija osoba u djetetovom životu čija je primarna zadaća odgajati, štititi, podržavati i usmjeriti dijete. Užurbanost života pred suvremenu obitelj svakodnevno stavlja mnoštvo prepreka te roditeljima stvara stres koji negativno utječe na kvalitetu roditeljstva. Zbog toga je suvremenoj obitelji potrebna pomoć i podrška izvan obitelji, stoga se roditelji obraćaju predškolskoj ustanovi. Predškolska ustanova i odgojitelji za vrijeme djetetovog pohađanja odgojno obrazovnog programa brinu za odgoj i razvoj djeteta te imaju isti cilj kao i roditelji, a to je osiguravanje optimalnih uvjeta za cjelovit rast i razvoj svakoga djeteta. Dijete se u vrtiću upoznaje s odgojiteljem koji postaje druga najvažnija osoba u njegovom životu. Odgojitelj svakodnevno nizom svjesnih i kontinuiranih aktivnosti utječe na razvoj djeteta, no kako bi se što bolje utjecalo na kvalitetu životu i cjelokupni razvoj, važno je s roditeljima uspostaviti kvalitetnu komunikaciju i suradnički odnos. Za kvalitetnu suradnju važno je uspostaviti dvosmjernu komunikaciju između roditelja i odgojitelja od koje sve kreće, no suradnja je veoma kompleksan pojam u kojeg ulazi mnoštvo čimbenika koji su detaljnije opisani u ovom radu. Također, za kvalitetan suradnički odnos od iznimne je važnosti angažiranost roditelja u odgojni proces te u ovom radu modalitete suradnje dijelimo na odnose u kojima roditelji imaju pasivnu ulogu i one u kojima preuzimaju aktivnu ulogu. Suradnički odnos je podložan društvenim i organizacijskim promjenama koje na njega usprkos trudu i volji roditelja i odgojitelja mogu utjecati pozitivno ili negativno. Ako se radi o negativnom utjecaju, odnosno zapreci, važno je da obje strane nastave kontinuirano i usklađeno djelovati ka zajedničkom cilju jer je to uvjet za razvoj vještina i stvaranje temelja za produktivan i sretan život djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | This paper analyzes the communication in cooperation between parents and preschool teachers and to what extent and in which way it affects the child’s overall growth and development. A parent is the most important person in a child’s life whose primary task is to raise, protect, support, and guide the child. The hustle and bustle of life puts many obstacles in front of the modern family on a daily basis and creates stress for parents, which negatively affects the quality of parenthood. Therefore, the modern family needs help and support outside the family, so parents turn to the preschool educational institution. Preschool educational institution and preschool teachers care for the upbringing and development of the child during the child's attendance of the educational and have the same goal as the parents, which is to ensure optimal conditions for the overall growth and development of each child. In kindergarten, the child meets a preschool teacher who becomes the second most important person in its life. The preschool teacher influences the child's development on a daily basis through a series of conscious and continuous activities, but in order to better the quality of life and overall development, it is important to establish quality communication and cooperation with parents. For quality cooperation, it is important to establish two-way communication between parents and preschool teachers which is the starting point of a successful cooperation. However, cooperation is a very complex concept which includes many factors which are described in this paper in more detail. Also, for a quality cooperative relationship, the involvement of parents in the educational process is extremely important, and in this paper we divide the modalities of cooperation into relationships in which parents have a passive role and those in which they take an active role. The cooperative relationship is subject to social and organizational changes that, despite the efforts and will of parents and preschool teachers, can affect it positively or negatively. In the case of a negative impact or obstacle, it is important that both parties continue to act continuously and in harmony towards a common goal, because this is a condition for the development of skills as well as the creation of the foundation for a productive and happy life of the child. |