Title Razvoj govora djeteta u predškolskoj dobi
Title (english) Speech Development In Preschool Children
Author Lana Kovačić
Mentor Maša Malenica (mentor)
Mentor Monika Kukuruzović (sumentor)
Committee member Goran Lapat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Monika Kukuruzović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maša Malenica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Govor je kompleksan temelj komunikacije među ljudima, te vrlo značajan za cjelokupan
djetetov razvoj. Da bi govor bio ostvaren, te kako bi cirkulirao između ljudi, mora biti prvi
nekome upućeni, a isto tako mora biti i odvraćeni. Govor je kompleksan neurološki proces gdje
su moždane funkcije vezane za strukture i razvoj govora. Neurološke teorije nam općenito
dokazuju da je razvoj jezika i govora determiniran anatomski, neurobiološki i genetski.
Također, govor možemo svrstati u dio kulture jer se razvija ne samo govoreći, nego i slušajući.
Govorom se prenosi kultura te način komunikacije ovisi o karakteru koje je popularizirano za
to kulturalno područje.
Sami govor usuđujemo se nazvati ga; zadivljujućim procesom. To je proces u kojem svaka
osoba ima svoju individualnu ulogu. Kako rastemo, tako se povećava lakoća usvajanja govora
koji nam je toliko važan za preživljavanje i odnose između ljudi.
U razvoju govora i jezika, javljaju se teškoće. Utjecaj na te teškoće imaju i moguća razna
oštećenja poput oštećenje sluha, pervazivni razvojni poremećaj, specifični jezični poremećaj,
poremećaj tempa i ritma govora kod kojeg je karakterističan usporeni tempo govorno-jezičnog
razvoja. Također, neka djeca i ljudi upoznati su i s poremećajima izgovora koji se javljaju iz
različitih razloga. Oni ne mogu pravilno izgovoriti neke glasove, međusobno ih miješaju ili ih
sasvim izostavljaju. Nepravilno izgovaranje slogova i cijele riječi, također je poremećaj, dok je
istovremeno sami rječnik bogat a govor gramatički pravilan.
Mnogo je uzroka iz kojih proizlaze teškoće u razvoju govora. Uzroci mogu biti biološki i
socijalni, no oni se itekako isprepliću u cijeloj priči razvoja govora. Najbitnije je na vrijeme
uočiti i reagirati na prevenciju u razvoju, nipošto ne ignorirati i ne prihvaćati istinu o stanju
razvoja govora vašeg djeteta. Treba imati na umu da se razvoj govora odvija od samog začeća
vašeg djeteta koje još nije stiglo na svijet. Tako je Posokhova na grubo htjela uprizoriti važnost
nas odraslih u ulozi razvoja djetetova govora, te rekla da na razvoj govora djeteta utječemo već
„20 godina prije rođenja djeteta“.
Abstract (english) Speech is a complex foundation of communication among people and a very important factor
in the overall development of a child. In order for speech to be realized and for it to circulate
among people, it must first be addressed to someone, but it also needs to be reciprocated. Speech
is a complex neurological process in which brain functions are related to the structures and
development of speech. Neurological theories generally prove that the development of language
and speech is determined anatomically, neurobiologically and genetically.
Moreover, speech can be classified as part of culture since it develops not only by speaking but
also by listening. Speech conveys culture; therefore, the way of communication depends on the
type of character which is popularized in the cultural area.
It can be claimed that speech itself is an astonishing process. It is a process in which each person
has their own individual role. As we grow, so does the ease of speech acquisition, which is
crucial for our survival and relationships with people.
However, difficulties can arise in the development of speech and language. These difficulties
are also affected by various possible impairments such as hearing impairment, pervasive
developmental disorder, specific language disorders, or disorders of the pace and rhythm of
speech, which are characterized by a slow pace of speech and language
development.Furthermore, some children and people are also acquainted with pronunciation
disorders that occur for a variety of reasons. They lack the ability to pronounce certain sounds
correctly, mix them with each other, or omit them completely. Improper pronunciation of
syllables and whole words is also a disorder, while the vocabulary itself is rich and the speech
is grammatically correct.
There are many causes for speech development difficulties. The causes can be biological and
social, but they are very intertwined in the whole story of speech development.The most
important thing is to timely notice and react to any obstacle in the speech development. In other
words, the truth about the state of a child’s speech development should by no means be ignored
or rejected. It should be kept in mind that speech development takes place from the very
conception of a child who has not yet arrived in the world. Thus, Posokhova roughly wanted to
stage the importance of the role of adults in child speech development and stated that one
influences a child’s speech development "20 years before their birth".
razvoj govora
poremećaji izgovora
teškoće u razvoju govora i jezika
neurološke osnove govora
Keywords (english)
speech development
pronunciation disorders
speech and language development difficulties
neurological basis of speech
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:968246
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i preškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-12-10 11:59:08