Title Suradničko učenje u primarnom obrazovanju
Title (english) Cooperative Learning In Primary Education
Author Monika Đurasek
Mentor Tomislav Topolovčan (mentor)
Committee member Goran Lapat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Šlezak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Topolovčan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Social Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Didactics
Abstract Suradničko učenje je sve zastupljenije u nastavnoj praksi kao jedan od modernih načina
učenja i poučavanja. U kvalitetnim školama sve se veća važnost daje timskom radu i suradnji,
a sve manje samostalnom radu i konkurenciji. Suradničko učenje je temelj na kojem se
zasnivaju mnogi postupci aktivnog učenja koji od učenika zahtijevaju da rade zajedno u
manjim grupama radi postizanja zajedničkih ciljeva učenja. Što je neka lekcija aktivnija,
učenici su skloniji intelektualno i emocionalno se uključiti u aktivno učenje. Suradničko
učenje je jedna od najvažnijih djelatnosti potrebnih za budućnost i uspjeh u 21. stoljeću te ju
je potrebno primjenjivati već od najranije djetetove dobi kako bi naučili komunicirati i raditi s
vršnjacima, iznositi svoja razmišljanja, braniti svoje stavove, ali i prihvaćati tuđe kritike.
Suradnički oblici rada pogodni su za korištenje u svim oblicima satova, ali je u njima veoma
važna uloga voditelja – učitelja. Učitelj učenike vodi da kroz suradnju i rad u grupi dođu do
traženog rezultata, odnosno cilja. Pušta učenike da se organiziraju u grupama i dođu do
zajedničkog rezultata bez njegova uplitanja. Na učenike ono ima puno pozitivnih učinaka kao
što su: razvijanje socijalnih vještina, jačanje samopoštovanja, komunikacijske sposobnosti,
odgovornost, osjećaj pripadnosti, i mnoge druge. Nedostataka ovog tipa učenja ima znatno
manje nego prednosti, te se većinom pod nedostatke ubrajaju neorganiziranost učitelja za
suradničko učenje, nedostatak vremena i materijalnih sredstava kao i mogućnost nesuglasica
među učenicima, bojkotiranje grupnog zadatka ili pak nepravedna raspodjela uloga u grupi.
Cilj ovog rada jest prikazati što je to suradničko učenje i koja je njegova važnost za razvoj
Abstract (english) This paper says that cooperative learning is increasingly present in teaching practise as one of
the modern ways of learning and teaching. In quality schools, increasing importance is given
to teamwork and cooperation, and less and less to independent work and competition.
Cooperative learning is the foundation on which many active learning processes are based that
require students to work together in small groups to achieve common learning goals. The
more active a lesson is, the more students tend to engage intellectually and emotionally in
active learning. Cooperative learning is one of the most important activities needed for future
and success in the 21st century and needs to be applied from an early age to learn to
communicate and work with peers, to express their thoughts, to defend their views, but also to
accept other people's criticism. Cooperative forms of work are suitable for use in all forms of
classes, but the role of the leader-teacher is very important in them. The teacher guides the
students to reach the desired result, ie goal, through cooperation and group work. He/She lets
students organize themselves into groups and come to a common result without its
interference. It has a lot of positive effects on students, such as: developing social skills,
strengthening self-esteem, communication skills, responsibility, sense of belonging, and many
others. There are much less disadvantages of this type of learning than the advantages, and
most of the disadvantages include the disorganization of teachers for cooperative learning,
lack of time and material resources as well as the possibility of disagreements among
students, boycott of group tasks or unfair distribution of roles in the group. The aim of this
paper is to show what collaborative learning is and what its importance is for student
suradničko učenje
grupni rad
timski rad
Keywords (english)
cooperative learning
group work
team work
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:915179
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-12-13 07:36:06