Abstract | Glazbenik Franz Peter Schubert austrijski je skladatelj rođen 31. Siječnja 1797. godine. Veći dio života proveo je u Beču, u materijalno skromnim prilikama. S petnaest godina je izgubio majku. Veliki utjecaj na njega imao je otac koji je želio da postane svećenik, a glazbu je smatrao samo zabavom. Veliku nadarenost za skladanje pokazao je već u ranoj životnoj dobi. Glazbeno se obrazovao u zboru bečke dvorske kapele, te privatnom podukom kod Antonia Salieria. Tri godine je radio kao učitelj glazbe u očevoj školi. Od 1817. godine radio je kao slobodni umjetnik, bez stalnog izvora prihoda. Vodio je boemski život, obilježen druženjima s prijateljima umjetnicima, ali i skučenim materijalnim prilikama. Predstavnik je ranog romantizma te je u svom glazbeno-stvaralačkom razdoblju stvorio bogat glazbeni opus. Komponirajući brzo, u kratko je vrijeme stvorio respektabilan opus. Skladao je simfonije i preko šest stotina solo pjesama, poznatih pod nazivom lied - za glas i klavir, a izvor su mu bili stihovi Goethea, Schillera i drugih pjesnika. Među najpoznatije mogu se izdvojiti Serenada, Ave Maria, Ružica u gaju, Lijepa mlinarica, Zimsko putovanje i dr. Slavu su mu donijele Velika simfonija u C-duru i Nedovršena simfonija u h-molu. Osim toga, skladao je djela za vokalne sastave i zborove u kojima je i sam sudjelovao, klavirske sonate i komorna djela. Najpoznatiji je kvintet Pastrva (kvintet za klavir i gudače u A- duru). Nikada nije zasnovao obitelj, već je vrijeme provodio s ženama za zabavu. Umro je na vrhuncu stvaranja glazbenih djela, vrlo mlad, u bratovom stanu, 1828. godine u Beču. Pokopan je pored Beethovena kojega je cijenio, bio mu je uzor, a njegov utjecaj je bio vidljiv na početku skladanja. |
Abstract (english) | Musician Franz Peter Schubert is Austrian composer born on 31 January 1797. Most of his life he spent in Vienna, materially modest circumstances. When he was fifteen he lost his mother. His father had great influence on him who wanted that the Franz become a priest, so his father considered music just for entertainment. Great talent for composing he showed at an early age. He was musically educated in the choir of the Viennese court chapel, and private lessons with Antonio Salieria. Three years he worked as a music teacher in his father's school. Since 1817 he worked as a freelance artist, with no permanent source of income. He led a bohemian life, marked by socializing with friends artists, but also tight material conditions. He was a representative of early-romanticism and in his music-creative period he created a rich musical opus. By his fast composing, in a short time he created a respectable body of work. He composed symphonies and over six hundred solo songs, known as lied - for voice and piano, and the source were his verses of Goethe, Schiller and other poets. Among the best known works may be committed Serenade, Ave Maria, Rose in bosket, The Beautiful Maid of the Mill, Winter Journey and others. The glory of whom brought a Great symphony in C major and the Unfinished Symphony in B minor. In addition, he composed works for vocal ensembles and choirs in which he participated, piano sonatas and chamber works. Best known is Trout Quintet (Quintet for Piano and Strings in A-flat major). He never had a his own family, but he spent time with women for fun. He died at the height of the creation of musical works, very young, in his brother's apartment, 1828 in Vienna. He was buried next to Beethoven, which he appreciated, wich he was his role model, and its influence was evident at the begining of his composing. |