Title Ugrožene životinjske vrste u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Endangered animal species in Croatia
Author Iva Šemper
Mentor Nada Vijtiuk (mentor)
Committee member Vatroslav Zovko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Atanasov-Piljek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nada Vijtiuk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology
Abstract U ovome radu navode se opisi i razlozi ugroženosti najugroženijih životinjskih svojta u Republici Hrvatskoj prema Crvenom popisu. Crveni popis jedna je od ključnih stručnih osnova u zaštiti prirode. U njemu se nalazi popis vrsta ili podvrsta biljaka, gljiva i životinja koje su u mogućoj opasnosti od izumiranja i stupanj opasnosti od njihova nestanka. U ovome radu pažnja se posvećuje fauni, odnosno ugroženom životinjskom svijetu u Republici Hrvatskoj: sisavcima, pticama, vodozemcima, gmazovima,
... More slatkovodnim i morskim ribama te danjim leptirima. Brojni su razlozi nestanka sisavaca u Hrvatskoj. Najveći razlog je prekomjerni lov, a daleko od prekomjernog lova nije ni krivolov, a ni intenzivna poljoprivreda s mehanizacijom koja ne ostavlja prostora za očuvanje faune. Prema europskim mjerilima, hrvatska je ornitofauna vrlo bogata i raznolika, međutim, od 231 vrste koje se gnijezde čak ih je 78 koje pripadaju upravo ugroženim vrstama. Jednu od najvažnijih uloga u svjetskom ekosustavu imaju upravo vodozemci i gmazovi, koji su neophodni dio hranidbenog lanca. Skupina kralježnjaka koja je najrazličitija i najbrojnija, a najmanje istražena su upravo ribe. Ribe žive u slanim i slatkim vodama, od kojih jedna trećina pripada slatkovodnim svojtama. Kako su slatkovodni ekosustavi osjetljivi na pritisak kojem su izloženi ljudskim djelovanjem, stavlja ribe u nezavidan položaj. Osim što su najraznolikije, ribe su također najugroženije životinjske skupine u moru. U crvenoj knjizi nalazi se popis od 123 vrste i podvrste riba te ih je više od 75% svrstano u neku od IUCN kategorija ugroženosti. Posebnu pažnju znanstvenici pridaju danjim leptirima. Njihova se brojnost u Europi znatno smanjila pa su predložene razne mjere očuvanja ovih vrsta. 2004. godine izrađen je Crveni popis ugroženih biljaka i životinja Hrvatske i obuhvaćao je 38 vrsta najugroženijih leptira. Less
Abstract (english) In this study, there are given descriptions and reasons for the endangerment of the most endangered animal taxa in the Republic of Croatia according to the Red List. The Red List is one of the key professional bases in nature protection. It contains a list of species or subspecies of plants, fungi and animals that are in potential danger of extinction and the degree of the danger of their extinction. In this paper, attention is paid to the fauna, i.e. endangered fauna in the Republic of
... More Croatia: mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, freshwater and marine fish and diurnal butterflies. There are many reasons for the disappearance of mammals in Croatia. The biggest reason is overhunting, and far from overhunting is neither poaching nor intensive agriculture with mechanization that leaves no room to preserve the fauna. According to European standards, the Croatian ornithofauna is very rich and diverse, however, out of 231 nesting species, as many as 78 belong to endangered species. One of the most important roles in the world's ecosystem is played by amphibians and reptiles, they are a necessary part of the food chain. The group of vertebrates that is the most diverse and most numerous, and the least researched are precisely the fish. Fish live in salt and freshwater, of which one third belong to freshwater taxa. How freshwater ecosystems are sensitive to the pressure to which they are exposed by human action puts fish in an unenviable position. In addition to being the most diverse, fish are also the most endangered animal groups in the sea. The Red Book contains a list of 123 species and subspecies of fish, and more than 75% of them are classified in one of the IUCN endangered categories. Scientists pay special attention to day butterflies. Their numbers in Europe have decreased significantly, so various conservation measures for these species have been proposed. In 2004, the Red List of Endangered Plants and Animals of Croatia was compiled and included 38 species of the most endangered butterflies. Less
biološka raznolikost
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:108446
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-05-25 10:09:12