Title Neoliberalizam u obrazovanju
Title (english) Neoliberalism in education
Author Lucija Novosel
Mentor Silvia Rogošić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Krznar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvia Rogošić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Draženko Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Philosophy of Education
Abstract Humanistička ideja obrazovanja predstavlja proces cjelokupnog čovjekovog (samo)formiranja, samoobrazovanja i skrbi za totalitet ljudskosti po kojemu se čovjek određuje u smjeru ljubavi i čežnjom za stvaralaštvom, po kojemu čovjek postaje licem, osobom (Vuk- Pavlović, 1996). Međutim, suprotno tomu, suvremeno je obrazovanje sve više usmjereno na osposobljavanje pojedinca za konkurentnost na tržištu rada pri čemu se zapostavljaju neka područja bitna za svestrani i cjeloviti razvoj čovjeka. Marginaliziraju se određeni humanistički ideali i vrijednosti, što se smatra posljedicom prodora neoliberalne ideologije u područje obrazovanja. Zadaća rada je analizirati utjecaj neoliberalizma na odgojno-obrazovne politike i prakse povezane s ranim i predškolskim odgojem i obrazovanjem, osnovnoškolskim, srednjoškolskim i visokim obrazovanjem u zemljama Europske unije (s naglaskom na Finsku, Slovačku, Austriju i Hrvatsku). Analiziraju se stupanj privatizacije odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova, kurikulumski sadržaji i odgojno-obrazovni ciljevi (povezani s neoliberalnom ideologijom) i nastoji se ukazati na probleme koji mogu biti posljedica neoliberalnih obrazovnih politika. Budući da se radi o zemljama Europske unije i da u kreiranju njihovih obrazovnih politika veliku ulogu imaju međunarodne organizacije, zamjećuju se i slični problemi: znanje sve više postaje proizvod, a pojedinci se sve više promatraju kao buduća radna snaga koju se priprema za natjecanje na tržištu rada pri čemu se zanemaruje ono humanističko u odgoju i obrazovanju. Također, sve zemlje sudjeluju u PISA istraživanjima čiji su postupci ocjenjivanja utemeljeni na jednom mjernom standardu čime se podcijenjuju odgojno-obrazovni ciljevi koji nisu kvantitativno mjerljivi. Zemlje se razlikuju s obzirom na prisutnost kurikulumskih sadržaja povezanih s neoliberalnom ideologijom i prema udjelu privatnih odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova. Obrazovni trendovi u EU zemljama sve su manje usklađeni s humanističkim idealom obrazovanja, a sve veća privatizacija odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova u budućnosti može dovesti i do porasta društvenih nejednakosti jer socijalno deprivirana djeca nemaju jednaku mogućnost izbora kao njihovi vršnjaci koji dolaze iz ekonomski boljestojećih obitelji. Iako postoje određene razlike među zemljama, analizirani znanstveni radovi i dokumenti pokazuju da se školovanje u zemljama EU-a sve više udaljava od humanističkih ideala i pretpostavlja se da će se ovakav trend nastaviti i u budućnosti.
Abstract (english) The humanistic idea of education is a process of the entire human (self)formation, self- education, and care for the totality of humanity by which a human is determined in the direction of love and longing for creativity, by which the human becomes a person (Vuk-Pavlović, 1996). However, modern education is increasingly focused on training the individual for competitiveness in the labor market, while neglecting some areas important for comprehensive and holistic human development. Certain humanistic ideals and values are marginalized, which is considered a consequence of the penetration of neoliberal ideology into education. The task of this paper is to analyze the impact of neoliberalism on educational policies and practices related to early and preschool education, primary, secondary, and higher education in the countries of the European Union (with emphasis on Finland, Slovakia, Austria and Croatia). The degree of privatization of educational institutions, curriculum contents and educational goals (related to neoliberal ideology) are analyzed, and an attempt is made to point out the problems that may be a consequence of neoliberal educational policies. Since international organizations play an important role in shaping educational policies of EU countries, similar problems have been observed: knowledge is increasingly becoming a product, individuals are increasingly seen as a future workforce preparing to compete in the labor market and humanistic nature of education is increasingly neglected. Also, students from these countries participate in PISA tests whose assessment procedures are based on a single measurement standard, there by underestimating educational goals that are not quantitatively measurable. Countries differ in degree of presence of educational content related to neoliberal ideology and in the representation of private educational institutions. Education trends in EU countries are less in line with the humanistic ideal of education, and the increasing privatization of educational institutions in the future may increase social inequalities because socially deprived children do not have the same choices as their peers from wealthier families. Although there are some differences between countries, the analyzed scientific papers and documents show that education in EU countries is increasingly moving away from humanistic ideals, and it is assumed that this trend will continue in the future.
rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
srednjoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
visoko obrazovanje
zemlje EU.
Keywords (english)
early and preschool education
primary education
secondary education
higher education
EU countries.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:088665
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-05-26 09:54:44