Title Elementarne i štafetne igre u primarnom obrazovanju
Title (english) Elementary and relay games in primary education
Author Josipa Raič
Mentor Snježana Mraković (mentor)
Committee member Srna Jenko Miholić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Bokor (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Mraković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Kinesiological Education
Abstract Igra je od rođenja prisutna u djetetovu životu. Među najvažnijim je aktivnostima djeteta te se kroz nju dijete razvija, zabavlja, usvaja i spoznaje svijet oko sebe. Igrajući se unapređuje i utječe na svoj tjelesni, kognitivni, emocionalni i socijalni razvoj. S obzirom na to da je igra prisutna u djetetovu životu od njegova najranijeg doba te mu je upravo zbog toga bliska, bilo bi nezamislivo da polaskom u školu igra nestaje. Stoga je važno na ispravan i svrhovit način uključiti igru u primarno
... More obrazovanje i time ga učiniti bliskim djetetu. Već spomenutoj potrebi za igrom pridružuje se i potreba za kretanjem, a upravo nastavni sati Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture omogućuju ispunjavanje navedenog. Primjenom elementarnih i štafetnih igara ostvaruje se tjelesni odgoj, a njihov je cilj razvijanje i održavanje motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti te usavršavanje naučenih motoričkih znanja. Moguće je zamijetiti i odgoji aspekt igre zahvaljujući kojem se kroz igru ukazuje, a zatim i utječe na promjene u ponašanju djeteta. Osim što igrom dijete usvaja pravila ponašanja, ono usvaja i pravila igre te njeguje suradnju s drugima. Suradnja i razvoj zajedništva posebice se ističe u štafetnim igrama. Učitelj je taj koji će znati odabrati odgovarajuće igre kako bi se ostvarilo navedeno. No, da bi učitelj mogao odabrati prikladne igre važno je poznavati psihofizičke karakteristike djeteta te u skladu s njima odabirati igre. Kako bi se potaknulo i ukazalo na važnost uključivanja raznovrsnih igara u nastavni proces, ovim se radom nastoji osvijestiti potreba djece za igrom kao i njezini pozitivni utjecaji na sve aspekte razvoja. Upravo iz tog razloga navode se primjeri kontaktnih i beskontaktnih elementarnih igara s odgovarajućim opisima kao i primjeri štafetnih igara navedenih i opisanih prema varijantama njihova provođenja. Less
Abstract (english) Play has been present in a child's life since birth. It is one of the most important activities of a child and through it the child develops, has fun, adopts and learns about the world around him. By playing it improves and influences it's physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Considering that play has been present in a child's life since their earliest age and is therefore close them, it would be unimaginable that the game disappears by going to school. Therefore, it is
... More important to include play in the primary education in a correct and purposeful way and make it close to the child. As already mentioned the need for play is merged by the need of movement and it is the school classes of Physical Education that enable the fulfillment of the above. Through the application of elementary and relay games, physical education is achieved and their goal is to develop and maintain motor and functional abilities and to improve the learned motor skills. It is also possible to notice the educational aspect of the game thanks to which it is indicated through play and then influenced on changes in the child's behaviour. Not only does the child adopt rules of behaviour by playing but the child also adopts the rules of the game and nurtures cooperation with others. Cooperation and community development is especially emphasized in relay games. It is the teacher who will know how to choose the appropriate games in order to achieve the above. However, in order for the teacher to be able to choose appropriate games, it is important to know the psychophysical characteristics of the child and to choose games accordingly. In order to encourage and point out the importance of including a variety of games in the teaching process, this paper seeks to raise awareness of children's need for play as well as its positive effects on all aspects of development. Therefore, examples of contact and non-contact elementary games with a corresponding descriptions are given, as well as examples of relay games listed and described according to the variants of their implementation. Less
razvoj djeteta
primarno obrazovanje
elementarne igre
štafetne igre
Keywords (english)
child development
primary education
elementary games
relay games
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:765505
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-06-14 08:30:03