Title Implicitne pedagogije odgojitelja i partnerstvo odgojitelja i roditelja
Title (english) Implicit pedagogies of educators and the partnership of educators and parents
Author Valentina Matošević
Mentor Daria Tot (mentor)
Committee member Anka Jurčević-Lozančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevenka Maras (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daria Tot (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Na profesionalni identitet odgojitelja utječe cjelokupni sustav i zajednica, ali i samo viđenje odgojitelja o sebi i svojoj profesiji. Dio profesionalnih kompetencija odgojitelja je njegova implicitna pedagogija. Ona je utemeljena na znanju i razvija se preuzimanjem inicijative i zauzimanjem uloge odgojitelja istraživača koji doprinosi unaprjeđenju odgojno-obrazovne prakse. Time istodobno razvija nove metode djelovanja koje primjenjuje u odgojno-obrazovnom radu. Uspješan odgojitelj kontinuirano razvija svoje kompetencije i dalje ih usavršava cjeloživotnim učenjem. Refleksivna praksa povezuje se s cjeloživotnim učenjem i na taj način odgojitelj usavršava sebe i svoju profesionalnu praksu. Autonoman odgojitelj je odgovaran za mijenjanje odgojno-obrazovne prakse zajedno sa sustručnjacima, roditeljima i lokalnom zajednicom. Dobrobiti od kvalitetnog partnerstva imaju svi sudionici odgojno-obrazovnog procesa. Kako bismo djeci osigurali kvalitetniji i lakši boravak u odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi, bitna je uspostava suradničkih odnosa roditelja i odgojitelja. Kompetentni odgojitelj s roditeljima ostvaruje podržavajuću, aktivnu i ravnopravnu komunikaciju s ciljem dijeljenja informacija o djetetovom funkcioniranju u vrtiću. Odgojitelji znaju spremno odgovoriti na izazove u gradnji partnerstva s roditeljima, a od roditelja iziskuju razumijevanje, toleranciju, vrijeme, trud, ali i istinsku želju i namjeru u uspostavi i provedbi partnerstva.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je samoprocjena postupaka odgojitelja u aktivnostima (partnerstvu) s roditeljima i provedbi refleksivne prakse te njezin utjecaj na osvještavanje odgojiteljeve implicitne pedagogije o suradnji i partnerstvu s roditeljima. Istraživanje je provedeno putem polustrukturiranog intervjua na uzorku od 5 odgojiteljica. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju da odgojiteljice redovito provode refleksivnu praksu koristeći različite tehnike koje im pomažu u aktivnostima partnerstva s roditeljima. Uočeno je da se refleksivna praksa razlikuje prema radnome iskustvu odgojiteljica jer se iz odgovora odgojiteljica vidi se da odgojiteljice koje imaju više radnog iskustva bolje procjenjuju svoju refleksivnu praksu što potkrepljuju primjerima iz prakse. Također je uočeno kako pojedine odgojiteljice smatraju kako im je u pojedinim situacijama potrebna pomoć stručnog tima prilikom rješavanja određenih izazova u radu s roditeljima. Najčešći oblici komunikacije koj se koriste su oni tradicionalni (individualni razgovori, roditeljski sastanci), a samo jedna odgojiteljica sve češće korištenje suvremenih oblika komunikacije (komunikacija putem društvenih mreža, grupa i sl.).
Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da sve odgojiteljice smatraju kako njihove implicitne pedagogije uvelike utječu na suradnju i partnerstvo s roditeljima. Vlastitu ulogu u suradnji procjenjuju važnom, ali isto tako smatraju da je bitna odgovornost obje strane. Također, odgojiteljice procjenjuju da je važno imati ravnopravan odnos s roditeljima, puno poštovanja i uvažavanja, iskrenu i otvorenu komunikaciju, razumijevanje i toleranciju, zajedničko planiranje i donošenje odluka te usklađivanje odgojnih utjecaja kako bi partnerski odnos bio uspješan.
Abstract (english) The professional identity of educators is influenced by the entire system and community, but also by the educator's view of himself and his profession. Part of the professional competencies of an educator is his implicit pedagogy. It is based on knowledge and is developed by taking the initiative and taking the role of educator-researcher who contributes to the improvement of educational practice. At the same time, it develops new methods of action that it applies in educational work. A successful educator continuously develops his competencies and further improves them through lifelong learning. Reflexive practice is associated with lifelong learning and in this way the educator perfects himself and his professional practice. An autonomous educator is responsible for changing educational practices together with co-workers, parents and the local community. All participants in the educational process benefit from a quality partnership. In order to ensure a better and easier stay for children in an educational institution, it is important to establish cooperative relations between parents and educators. A competent educator achieves supportive, active and equal communication with parents with the aim of sharing information about the child's functioning in kindergarten. Educators are ready to respond to the challenges of building a partnership with parents, and require parents to understand, tolerance, time, effort, but also a true desire and intention in establishing and implementing a partnership.
The objective of this research was self-assessment of educators' actions in activities (partnership) with parents and how educators implement reflective practice and what is its impact on awareness of their implicit pedagogy of cooperation and partnership with parents. The research was conducted through a semi-structured interview on a sample of 5 educators. The results of the research show that educators regularly conduct reflective practice using various techniques that help them in partnership activities with parents. It was noticed that reflective practice differs according to the work experience of educators because the response of educators shows that educators who have more work experience better assess their reflective practice, which is supported by examples from practice. It was also noticed that some educators believe that in some situations they need the help of a professional team in solving certain problems with parents. The most common forms of communication used are the traditional ones (individual conversations, parent meetings), and only one educator increasingly uses modern forms of communication (communication through social networks, groups, etc.).
The obtained results indicate that all educators believe that their implicit pedagogies greatly affect cooperation and partnership with parents, but also consider the importance of cooperation through their own responsibility on both sides. Also, educators believe that it is important to have an equal relationship with parents, a lot of respect and appreciation, honest and open communication, understanding and tolerance, joint planning and decision-making and coordination of educational influences for a successful partnership.
implicitne pedagogije
Keywords (english)
reflexive practice
implicit pedagogies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:446558
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-06-14 09:44:54