Title Prevlast popustljivog odgoja
Title (english) Predominance of the Permissive Parenting Style
Author Sanja Počuča
Mentor Siniša Opić (mentor)
Committee member Siniša Opić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Kokanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Klasnić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Family Pedagogy
Abstract U radu će se govoriti popustljivom stilu roditeljstva kao jednom od roditeljskih stilova koji prevladava u suvremenom društvu. Govorit će se o utjecaju popustljivog odgoja na dijete, njegovim posljedicama i prevlasti. Stil roditeljstva stav je koji roditelji imaju o odgoju. On obuhvaća roditeljske stavove o tome koja će ponašanja roditelj poticati, hoće li dijete biti u centru pažnje, hoće li kažnjavati dijete i na koji način. Postoje četiri vrste roditeljskog stila. To su autoritarni, autoritativni, zanemarujući i permisivni ili popustljivi. Autoritarni se stil karakterizira kao izrazito strogi odgojni stil u kojem ima puno očekivanja, pravila, a premalo topline i potpore. S druge pak strane nalazi se permisivni ili popustljivi stil koji karakterizira prekomjerno pružanje topline i potpore, a premalo nadzora i discipline. Zanemarujući odgojni stil karakterizira odsustvo i nadzora i topline. Autoritativni odgojni stil smatra se najboljim i njega karakterizira pružanje velike topline i potpore, ali ujedno i postavljanje granica i provođenje nadzora. Djeca danas odrastaju u potrošačkim obiteljima koje karakterizira usmjerenost samo na osjećaj ugode. Zbog manjeg broja djece u obitelji, društvenih očekivanja da se djetetu sve priušti, prezaposlenosti roditelja i preosjetljivosti roditelja na kratkoročnu emocionalnu patnju svoje djece danas je prisutna epidemija popustljivog odgoja. Djeca odgajana popustljivim stilom nemaju samokontrolu i nisu u stanju odgoditi vlastite potrebe. Istraživanja pokazuju da delikventi češće dolaze iz obitelji u kojoj nema kontrole i pravila. Popustljivi odgoj povezan je i s „helikopter roditeljstvom“. „Helikopter roditeljstvo“ označava roditelje koji se previše zaštitnički ponašaju prema svojoj odrasloj djeci, kontroliraju njihov život i u odrasloj dobi ispunjavaju zadatke umjesto djece. Dijete i roditelji nisu u prijateljskom odnosu. Postavljanje granica izraz je roditeljske ljubavi. Odgovornost je roditelja disciplinirati dijete. Disciplina je izvanjska granica koja je osmišljena za razvoj unutarnjih granica kod djeca. Disciplina nije isto što i kažnjavanje i djetetu pruža sigurnost.
Abstract (english) The paper will talk about the permissive style of parenting as one of the parenting styles that prevails in modern society. There will be talk about the impact of a permissive upbringing on a child, its consequences and dominance. Parenting style is the attitude that parents have about parenting. It encompasses parental attitudes about what behaviors the parent will encourage, whether the child will be the center of attention, whether the child will be punished, and in what way. There are four types of parenting style. They are authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful and permissive. Authoritarian style is characterized as an extremely strict upbringing style in which there are a lot of expectations, rules, and too little warmth and support. On the other hand, there is a permissive style that is characterized by excessive provision of warmth and support, and too little supervision and discipline. Neglecting parenting style is characterized by the absence of both supervision and warmth. Authoritarian upbringing style is considered the best and it is characterized by providing great warmth and support, but also by setting boundaries and conducting supervision. Children today grow up in consumer families characterized by a focus only on a sense of comfort. Because of to the smaller number of children in the family, social expectations that parents should afford children everything, the overwork of parents and the hypersensitivity of parents to the short-term emotional suffering of their children, there is an epidemic of permissive upbringing today. Children raised in a permissive style have no self-control and are unable to postpone their own needs. Research shows that delinquents more often come from a family in which there are no controls and rules. A permissive upbringing is also associated with "helicopter parenting." "Helicopter parenting" means parents who are too protective of their adult children, control their lives and fulfill tasks instead of children in adulthood. The child and the parents are not on friendly terms. Setting boundaries is an expression of parental love. It is the responsibility of the parent to discipline the child. Discipline is an external boundary designed to develop internal boundaries in children. Discipline is not the same as punishing and provides security for the child.
roditeljski stil
popustljivi odgoj
Keywords (english)
parenting style
permissive upbringing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:619094
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-07 10:18:14