Title Stvaralaštvo mozaika u likovnom izrazu djece primarnog obrazovanja
Title (english) Creation of mosaic in artistic expression of elementary school children
Author Ivana Pinek
Mentor Luka Petrač (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Horvat Blažinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Petrač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj rad bavi se stvaralaštvom mozaika u razrednoj nastavi. Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela: teorijski i praktični dio. Na samom početku rada mozaik je pojmovno određen. Iznesene su informacije o materijalima za izradu, vrstama mozaika i specifičnostima likovne tehnike. U narednom poglavlju piše se o povijesti mozaika antičke kulture, opisani su neki od poznatijih mozaika, a spominje se i o nalazima antičkih mozaika na području Hrvatske. Cilj rada bio je izraditi vlastiti mozaik, a zatim istražiti kako će se učenici u razrednoj nastavi snaći prilikom izražavanja kamenom i ostalim materijalima u novoj i nepoznatoj likovnoj tehnici. U praktičnom dijelu rada prvo je opisana priprema materijala i podloge i izrada vlastitog mozaika. Priložena je fotografija izrađenog mozaika. U idućem potpoglavlju nalaze se priprave za provedene nastavne satove jer su u svrhu ostvarenja cilja provedena dva blok sata Likovne kulture u 3. razredu. Prvi blok sat bio je posvećen upoznavanju nove likovne tehnike, pomnoj analizi motiva i crtanju skice, a drugi izradi mozaika. Mozaik su učenici izrađivali u paru. Svaki nastavni sat imao je posebno određene likovne probleme. Nakon provedenih satova analizirani su učenički radovi. Analize učeničkih radova sadržaj su idućeg, a ujedno i posljednjeg potpoglavlja ovog diplomskog rada. Analizirana su dva crteža (skice) i pet mozaika. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, u ovom slučaju učeničkih radova, većina učenika se izvrsno snašla u primjeni nove likovne tehnike (mozaik). Svi učenici su riješili postavljeni likovni problem. Uglavnom su uspješno smjestili zadani motiv unutar formata dodijeljenog drvenog okvira. Motiv su prikazali stilizirano u odnosu na prethodno nacrtanu skicu, ali to se pripisuje specifičnosti likovne tehnike. Materijal su učenici postavljali uglavnom zbijeno i na radovima je malo fuge. Učenici su pokazali fleksibilnost u upotrebi materijala. Mozaičkim linijama elaborirali su specifičnosti zadanog motiva. Učenici su ovladali likovnom tehnikom i izražajnim mogućnostima tehnike mozaik.
Abstract (english) The thesis deals with creation of mosaic in elementary school. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. At the very beginning of the thesis, the mosaic is conceptually defined. Information on materials for production, types of mosaics and specifics of art technique are presented. The following chapter describes the history of ancient culture mosaics, describes some of the famous mosaics, and mentions the findings of ancient mosaics in the territory of Croatia. The aim of the thesis was to create own mosaic, and then to investigate how students in elementary school will manage to express themselves with stones and other materials in new and unknown art technique. The practical part of the thesis first describes the preparation of materials and base and the creation of one's own mosaic. A photograph of the self-made mosaic is attached. In the next sub-chapter are preparations for conducted classes, because in order to achieve the goal, two block classes of Art culture were carried out in 3rd grade. The first block class was dedicated to getting to know the new art technique, careful analysis of motifs and sketching. The second class was dedicated to creating mosaics. Students were making the mosaic in pairs. Each class had specifically determined artistic problems. After the conducted classes, student artworks were analyzed. Analyzes of student artworks are the next and at the same time the last subchapter’s content of this thesis. Two drawings (sketches) and five mosaics were analysed. Based on the results obtained, in this case student works, most students did an excellent job in applying, for them new, fine art technique (mosaic). All of the students solved the given art problem. They generally successfully positioned the given motif within the form of the assigned wooden frame. They presented stylised motif compared to the previously drawn sketch, but this is attributed to the specificity of the art technique. The students mostly compactly arranged the material and works contain small amounts of fugue. They showed flexibility in terms of material usage and they elaborated the specifics of the given motif with mosaic lines. The students mastered the art technique and expressive possibilities of the mosaic technique.
razredna nastava
Keywords (english)
elementary school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:946443
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-07 12:26:23