Title Arhetipovi i likovna umjetnost
Title (english) Archetypes and fine art
Author Josipa Dodig
Mentor Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (mentor)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonia Čačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Carl Gustav Jung, švicarski psiholog i psihijatar, u psihologiju uvodi pojam arhetip. Arhetipovi predstavljaju zajedničko psihološko naslijeđe koje baštini čitavo čovječanstvo. Iz arhetipova, zajedničkog psihološkog naslijeđa, proizlaze karakteristična ponašanja i karakteristični načini reagiranja osoba u pojedinim općeljudskim situacijama. Ti obrasci ponašanja često se izražavaju nesvjesno, a vidljivi su širom svijeta. Iako je Jung zaslužan za uvođenje koncepta arhetipa u psihologiju, i mnogi su se drugi nakon njega bavili pitanjem arhetipova te dalje razrađivali i proširivali taj koncept. Tako su neki autori osmišljavali ženske i muške arhetipove, a njima su nastojali opisati karakteristične stavove i načine ponašanja žene te karakteristične stavove i načine ponašanja muškarca. Muški i ženski arhetipovi najčešće su prikazivani kroz pozitivne i negative aspekte. Naime, arhetip se može očitovati u svom pozitivnom aspektu, ali također može biti izražen i kroz svoju negativnu stranu. U ovom radu, nakon detaljnijeg objašnjenja pojma arhetip te govora o likovnoj umjetnosti, nalaze se opisi triju ženskih i triju muških arhetipova. Opisi se temelje na arhetipovima koje su prikazali autori Linda Jarosch i Anselm Grün. Jarosch i Grün u knjizi Živi što jesi prikazuju ženske arhetipove, dok Grün samostalno prikazuje muške arhetipove u knjizi Boriti se i ljubiti. U oba navedena djela svaki od arhetipova osmišljen je na temelju jednog biblijskog lika. Cilj je rada povezati svaki od odabranih i opisanih arhetipova s umjetničkim djelom iz područja slikarstva. Time se nastoji stvoriti veza između opisa arhetipa temeljena na biblijskom liku i likovno-umjetničkog djela koje prikazuje taj lik.
Abstract (english) Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, introduced the notion of archetype into psychology. Archetypes are a common psychological heritage shared by the whole of mankind. Typical behaviours and the way people respond in certain everyday situations arise from archetypes, i.e., the common psychological heritage. These patterns of behaviour are often expressed unconsciously, and we can see them in people all around the world. Even though Jung was the one who introduced the concept of archetype into psychology, many others tackled this issue as well, and have further developed and expanded the concept. Some authors came up with female and male archetypes, and used them to try to describe typical female and male beliefs and behaviours. Both male and female archetypes are usually presented through positive and negative aspects, since one archetype can manifest either his positive or his negative aspect. In this paper, after a more detailed explanation of the notion of archetype and fine arts, there are descriptions of three female and three male archetypes. Those descriptions are based on the archetypes presented by the authors Linda Jarosch and Anselm Grün. In their book Königin und wilde Frau: lebe, was du bist! (original title), Jarosch and Grün present female archetypes, and in his book Kämpfen und lieben (original title), Grün presents male archetypes. Archetypes presented in these books are based on Biblical figures. The goal of this paper is to connect each of the chosen and described archetypes to a specific painting showing a certain Biblical figure. In this way, this paper is trying to establish the relationship between archetype description based on a Biblical figure, and the painting showing that same Biblical figure.
likovna umjetnost
ženski arhetipovi
muški arhetipovi
Keywords (english)
fine arts
female archetypes
male archetypes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:699076
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2022-07-07 12:42:46