Title Odgojni rad bl. Ivana Merza
Title (english) Educational Work of Ivan (John) Merz
Author Kristina Kelava
Mentor Goran Lapat (mentor)
Committee member Irena Klasnić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lapat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Riječ „obrazovanje“ podrazumijeva stjecanje „obraza“, odnosno formiranje osobnosti pojedinca (Pastuović, 2012). Obrazovanje ima moć mijenjati svijet: kako globalno, tako i na razini pojedinca. To je dokazano mnogim istraživanjima koja govore o povezanosti razine obrazovanja s gospodarskim i društvenim razvojem. U sintagmi s pojmom obrazovanja najčešće se pojavljuje riječ „odgoj“. Odgoj je usko povezan s obrazovanjem, stoga ih je nemoguće u stvarnosti potpuno razdvojiti, iz razloga što teže istome cilju: razvoju punoga potencijala osobe. Svaki odgoj pretpostavlja skup vrijednosti (Suárez-Orozco i Qin-Hilliard, 2004). Upravo o tim vrijednostima će se govoriti u ovome diplomskome radu, a tema vrijednosti isprepletena je s radom i djelom zagrebačkoga profesora iz 20. stoljeća, Ivana Merza. Ivan Merz bio je profesor francuskog jezika i književnosti u Nadbiskupskoj klasičnoj gimnaziji u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 1922. do 1928. Doktorirao je 1923. na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Nagy, 1999). Tijekom cijeloga svoga života posvetio se odgoju kršćanske mladeži, i to ne samo unutar okvira svog profesorskog zvanja nego i u slobodno vrijeme, imajući uvijek u vidu kršćansku vjeru kao temelj i pokretač vlastitog djelovanja. Nakon smrti, Ivan Merz iza sebe ostavlja gotovo neiscrpnu ostavštinu pisanih djela, uključujući autobiografska djela, među kojima je najistaknutiji njegov dnevnik, zatim doktorska disertacija, i brojna stručna djela o književnosti. U drugom dijelu ovog diplomskog rada raspravlja se o vrijednostima i njihovoj važnosti za obrazovanje. Znanstvenici još nisu u suglasju oko definicije vrijednosti, no one se opisuju kao ustaljena vjerovanja koja su zajednička ljudima diljem svijeta. Vrijednosti su jedan od ključnih fojmova za obrazovanje jer one usmjeravaju pojedinca ka boljem općem dobru i boljoj budućnosti. One također sudjeluju u formiranju životnih ciljeva i osobnosti. Cilj je ovoga diplomskoga rada opisati odgojno djelovanje doktora i profesora Ivana Merza koristeći se primarnim i sekundarnim izvorima o njegovom životu i radu, zadobiti uvid u njegov stav o važnosti vrijednosti u obrazovanju te raspraviti njihovu važnost u suvremenom odgoju i obrazovanju. Teorijsko polazište rada je moralna uloga pedagogije kao znanosti o poučavanju.
Abstract (english) The term education refers to the development of an individual's personality (Pastuovic, 2012). Education possesses the power to change the world on a global and individual level. That power has been proven by many researches about the relationship between education and socio-economic development. Along with the term „education“ also comes the term upbringing. Education and upbringing are closely related, so it is almost impossible to separate them in reality, because they strive to achieve the same goal: to develop the full potential of an individual. Every piece of educational advice presupposes a certain set of values (Suárez-Orozco & Qin-Hilliard, 2004). This paper discusses those values, and the topic of values is intertwined with the life and work of a Zagrebian professor from the 20th century, Ivan Merz. Ivan (John) Merz was a professor of French and literature at the Archdiocesan Classic Gymnasium in Zagreb between 1922 and 1928. He earned his doctor's degree in 1923 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (Nagy, 1999). He devoted himself to the education of young Christians, not just within the framework of his professor calling, but also during his free time, always keeping in sight Christian faith as the foundation and starting point of his work. Posthumously, Ivan Merz left behind an almost inexhaustible legacy of written works, including autobiographical works, the most notable among them his diary, his doctoral thesis, and many more works about literature. The second part of this paper discusses human values and their importance in education. Scientist have still not agreed on the definition of values, but they are described as a set of
beliefs shared by people from across the world. Values are one of the key terms in education because they guide individuals toward the common good and a better future. They also partake in the formation of life goals and personality.
The aim of this paper is to describe the educational work of the doctor and professor Ivan Merz using primary and secondary sources which tell about his life and work, to gain insight into his views on the importance of good values in education, and to discuss their importance in modern education. The theoretical basis of this work is the moral role of pedagogy as the science of teaching.
Ivan Merz
odgojni rad
Keywords (english)
Ivan (John) Merz
pedagogical work
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:106986
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduated university study with english language and german language; specializations in: English language, Deutsche sprache Course: English language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-08 08:52:11