Title Autoportret u dječjem likovnom stvaralaštvu
Title (english) Self-portrait in children´s art creativity
Author Debora Pohajda
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELDS OF ART
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Od najranije dobi, dječji je likovni izraz motiviran unutarnjom potrebom koja djetetov način likovnog izražavanja čini posebnom odgojnom vrijednošću koju treba njegovati, poticati i razvijati. Razvojem djeteta, razvija se i njihov likovni jezik, a daljnjim promatranjem likovnih radova, razumijevanje likovnog jezika i njegova značenja postaje sve potpunije. Kroz razvojne faze dječjeg izraza, dijete istražuje svijet oko sebe, postupno se upoznaje sa likovnom umjetnošću, a početak apstraktnog mišljenja i bogatiji verbalni izraz omogućuju i veće likovne sposobnosti izražavanja. Jedan od najčešćih motiva dječjeg crteža jest čovjek. Razvoj prikaza čovjeka može se pratiti kroz razvojne faze djeteta. Od jednostavnog prikaza čovjeka s nekoliko likovnih elemenata u prvoj fazi dječjeg razvoja, do faze u kojoj ljudski lik počinje sve više odgovarati realnosti sa sve više detalja otkrivajući djetetova nova znanja i vještine. S obzirom na to da se likovne sposobnosti djeteta neprestano razvijaju, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu uspješnosti prikaza autoportreta učenika 1. i 4. razreda osnovne škole te provjeriti na koji način dob i spol učenika utječu na samu izvedbu autoportreta. U tu svrhu, provedeno je istraživanje u jednoj osnovnoj školi koje je uključivalo dva razreda. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 19 učenika prvog razreda i 24 učenika četvrtog razreda koji su na satu Likovne kulture pastelom trebali prikazati vizualni motiv, autoportret. Vrsta istraživanja bila je kvantitativna. Metoda kojom je provedeno istraživanje je deskriptiva. Tehnika istraživanja je bila ocjenjivanje, a instrument za prikupljanje podataka 3 – stupanjska ljestvica s kategorijama uspješan rad, prosječan rad te neuspješan rad. Svaka kategorija sadrži tri kriterija uspješnosti prema kojima su radovi bodovani: likovni jezik, izvedba motiva te upotreba likovne tehnike. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je 4. razred uspješniji u izvedbi autoportreta od 1. razreda te kako su u prikazu istog motiva djevojčice bile uspješnije od dječaka.
Abstract (english) From an early age, children's artistic axpression is motivated by an inner need that makes the child's way of artistic expression a special educational value that should be nurtured, encouraged and developed. Visual language develops with the development of the child. With further observation of art works, the understanding of visual language and it's meaning becomes more complete. Through the developmental stages of children's expression, the child explores the world around him and gradually becomes acquainted with fine arts. The beginning of abstract thinking and richer verbal expression enable greater artistic abilities of expression. One of the most common motifs of children’s drawing is man. The development of human representation can be monitored through the developmental stages of the child. From a simple depiction of a man with several artistic elements in the first phase of a child's development, to a stage in which the human character begins to correspond more and more to reality with more and more details revealing the child's new knowledge and skills. Given that the child's artistic abilities are constantly evolving, the aim of this study was to determine the level of success of self-portraits of 1st and 4th grade elementary school students and to check how age and gender of students affect the performance of self-portraits. A survey was conducted in one elementary school that included two grades. The research included 19 first grade students and 24 fourth grade students who were supposed to display a self-portrait in pastel during an Art class. The type of research was quantitative. The method by which the research was conducted is descriptive. The research technique was grading, and the instrument for collecting data was a 3 - level scale with the categories of successful work, average work and unsuccessful work. Each category contains three performance criteria of success: visual language, motif performance and the use of art technique. The results of the research show that the 4th grade is more successful in performing self-portraits than the 1st grade, and that girls were more successful than boys in showing the same motif.
likovni jezik
dječji crtež
prikaz čovjeka
faze dječjeg likovnog razvoja
Keywords (english)
visual language
children's drawing
human figure
self – portrait
developmental stages
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:726537
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-11 09:32:30