Title Kiparske tehnike u razrednoj nastavi
Title (english) Sculpture techniques in primary education
Author Martina Karabogdan
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Sculpture
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Kiparske tehnike jedne su od dviju tehnika prostorno-plastičkog oblikovanja ili tehnika modeliranja i građenja kako ih nazivamo u nastavi likovne kulture, druge su arhitektonske tehnike. Mnoge kiparske tehnike danas koristimo u razrednoj nastavi, a upravo temeljni cilj ovog rada bio je razmotriti kiparske tehnike, njihovu zastupljenost i ulogu u razvoju učenika. Teorijski dio rada na samom početku govori o likovnom jeziku, sposobnosti izražavanja djeteta koja povezuje likovne elemente i likovne kompozicije. Svaki likovni element prisutan je u svakoj likovnoj tehnici, budući da se ovaj rad temelji na kiparskim tehnikama, detaljnije su objašnjeni njezini glavni strukturni elementi, volumen i prostor. Rad zatim govori o kiparstvu i kiparskim materijalima, njihovim mogućnostima oblikovanja i ulozi u nastavi, a potom pobliže objašnjava određene kiparske tehnike. Idući dio rada govori o dječjem stvaralaštvu i likovnom izrazu te važnosti razvoja kreativnosti i učiteljevoj ulozi u nastavi likovne kulture. Empirijski dio rada prikazuje provedeno istraživanje na uzorku od 153 učitelja razredne nastave u Republici Hrvatskoj (N=153) čiji je cilj bio ispitati stavove učitelja o uporabi pojedinih kiparskih tehnika unutar nastavnog predmeta likovna kultura, utvrditi zastupljenost kiparskih tehnika u odnosu na ostale likovne tehnike te zastupljenost pojedinih kiparskih tehnika. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su kiparske tehnike u nastavi manje zastupljene od crtačkih i slikarskih tehnika te dizajna, a njihova zastupljenost je veća u odnosu na grafičku i arhitektonsku tehniku. Isto tako, istraživanje pokazuje kako je uporaba kiparskih tehnika u radu učitelja Grada Zagreba i učitelja ostalih županija zastupljena gotovo jednako. Istraživanjem doznajemo kako učitelji u svom radu s kiparskim tehnikama najčešće koriste glinamol (47%), a najrjeđe gips (31,76%). Također, utvrđujemo kako većina učitelja (N=141) u svom radu koristi odbačeni materijal. Istraživanje donosi i pregled stavova učitelja prema kiparskim tehnikama te njihova mišljenja o prednostima i nedostatcima istih.
Abstract (english) Sculpture techniques are on of the two techniques of spatial-plastic moulding or techniques of modeling and construction as we call them in the Art class, the other techniques are architectural techniques. We use many sculptural techniques in primary school today, and the fundamental aim this paper was to consider sculptural techniques, their representation and role in pupils development. The theoretical part of the paper at the very beginning talks about art language, the child's ability to express itself, which connects art elements and art compositions. Every art element is present in every art technique, considering this work is based on sculptural techniques, its main structural elements, volume and space are explained in more detail. The paper then takes on a problem of sculpture and sculptural materials, possibilities of their design, their role in teaching and then takes a closer look on certain sculptural techniques. The next part of the paper talks about children's creativity and artistic expression, the importance od developing creativity and the teacher's role in the Art class. The empirical part of the paper presents a conducted study on a sample of 153 teachers of primary school in the Republic of Croatia (N=153) which aimed to examine the attitudes of teachers on the use of certain sculptural techniques within the Art class, to determine the representation of sculptural techniques in relation to other art techniques and the representation of individual sculptural techniques. The result of this research show that sculptural techniques are less represented in the class than drawing and painting techniques are less represented in the class than drawing and painting techniques and design, but their representation is higher compared to graphic and architectural techniques. Also, the research shows that the use of sculptural techniques in the teachers work from the City of Zagreb and the teachers of other counties is represented almost equally. The research shows that teachers most often use clay (47%) in their work in the sculptural techniques, and gypsum (31.76%) the least. We also find that most teachers (N=141) use discarded material in their work. The research also provides an overview of teacher's attitudes towards sculptural techniques and their opinions on their advantages and disadvantages.
kiparske tehnike
prostorno-plastičko oblikovanje
dječje likovno stvaralaštvo
razredna nastava
likovna kultura
Keywords (english)
sculptural techniques
spacial-plastic moulding
children's art creativity
primary education
art culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:740476
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-13 11:06:36