Title Aboriginal culture and education system through history
Author Bruna Jadrić
Mentor Lovorka Zergollern-Miletić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Cindrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Andraka (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lovorka Zergollern-Miletić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to get to know the culture of Aboriginal Australians in Australia, how their school system works today and what problems they face. The thesis will present the key historical events that were decisive in the formation of the position of the Aboriginal Australians, and what changes they brought with them. The aim is to bring the reader closer to all the historical circumstances - from the settlement of Australian Aboriginal Peoples on the Australian mainland, their beliefs, habits and culture, all the way to the arrival of Europeans on a newly discovered continent, which changed the whole structure of the society. Australian Aboriginal Peoples were forced to adapt to the new values that Europeans brought with them, and they were on the verge of losing their own cultural identity. Aboriginal children were often separated from their parents, forced to forget their historical heritage, and adapt to the values of European culture. Unfortunately, the assimilation attempt led to major problems among Aboriginal Australians. Poverty, poor health, alcohol use disorder, violence, a sense of non-belonging and a lack of motivation for education are just some of the consequences felt in today’s society among Aboriginal Australians. Australian Aboriginal Peoples are still often misunderstood in society because their beliefs and the way of life differ from the expected European ways.
It is very important to align the school system with Aboriginal cultural identity, because only a curriculum that nurtures Aboriginal cultural values can bring positive changes into society. Furthermore, it is extremely important to encourage the education of Australian Aboriginal Peoples so that they can pass on the values of their heritage to new generations. Today’s situation in Australia’s education system and the position of Australian Aboriginal Peoples has improved immensely compared to the past, but despite this, today’s Aboriginal Australians are still discriminated and isolated from society so a lot of effort is needed to make it possible for them to finally live up to their beliefs and learn proudly about their culture.
Abstract (croatian) Svrha je ovoga rada upoznati kulturu Aboridžina u Australiji te kako u današnje vrijeme funkcionira njihov školski sustav i s kojim se sve problemima suočavaju. U radu će biti prikazani ključni povijesni događaji koji su presudili u formiranju položaja Aboridžina i kakve su sve promjene donijeli sa sobom. Cilj je približiti čitatelju sve povijesne okolnosti – od naseljavanja Aboridžina na kopno Australije, njihova vjerovanja, navike i kulturu, pa sve do dolaska Europljana na novootkriveni kontinent, koji je promijenio cijelu strukturu društva. Aboridžini su se na silu morali prilagoditi novim vrijednostima koje su Europljani donijeli sa sobom te su uvelike bili na granici gubitka vlastitog kulturnog identiteta. Djeca Aboridžina često su bila odvajana od svojih roditelja s ciljem da se preodgoje, da zaborave na svoje povijesno nasljeđe i da se prilagode vrijednostima kulture Europljana. Nažalost, pokušaj asimilacije doveo je do velikih problema među Aboridžinima. Siromaštvo, loše zdravstveno stanje, ovisnost o alkoholu, nasilje, osjećaj nepripadnosti i manjak motivacije za obrazovanjem, samo su neke od posljedica koje se osjećaju u današnjem društvu među Aboridžinima. Aboridžini su često još uvijek neshvaćeni u društvu jer se njihova vjerovanja i način života razlikuje od očekivanog europskog. Vrlo je bitno usuglasiti školski sustav s kulturnim identitetom Aboridžina jer jedino kurikulum koji njeguje vrijednosti kulture Aboridžina može donijeti pozitivne promjene u društvu. Nadalje, iznimno je važno poticati edukaciju Aboridžina u školstvu kako bi oni dalje mogli prenositi novim generacija vrijednosti svojega nasljeđa. Današnja situacija u obrazovnom sustavu Australije i položaja Aboridžina neizmjerno je poboljšana u odnosu na prošlost, ali unatoč tomu, današnji Aboridžini i dalje su diskriminirani i izolirani od društva pa treba uložiti mnogo truda kako bi oni mogli napokon živjeti u skladu sa svojim uvjerenjima i ponosno učiti o svojoj kulturi.
Aboriginal education
cultural identity
Keywords (croatian)
obrazovni sustav Aboridžina
kulturni identitet
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:108417
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduated university study with english language and german language; specializations in: English language, Deutsche sprache Course: English language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-07-14 08:17:29