Title Granica između slobode i discipline u Montessori pedagogiji
Title (english) The Line between Freedom and Discipline in Montessori Education
Author Mirna Deskar
Mentor Višnja Rajić (mentor)
Committee member Alena Letina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Canjek Androić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Montessori pedagogija je nastala iz potrebe za reformiranjem i unaprjeđenjem tradicionalnog sustava odgoja i obrazovanja. Utemeljiteljica ove alternativne metode, Maria Montessori, je tijekom svog života mnogo pažnje posvetila promatranju djece i njihovog ponašanja. Na temelju dobivenih spoznaja, zaključila je da je za djetetov napredak ključno poštivati njegove unutarnje potrebe i interese, umjesto koristiti ekstrinzične poticaje poput nagrada i kazni. U skladu s time, osmislila je posebna pedagoška načela koja je važno poštivati tijekom rada s djecom.
Da bi se dijete razvilo u potpunu osobu, potrebno mu je omogućiti da se slobodno i samostalno razvija. Dijete se rađa s prirodno urođenim potencijalima koje treba prepoznati i poticati unutar razdoblja posebne osjetljivosti. Okolina unutar koje dijete odrasta mora biti pažljivo pripremljena na način da je izgledom i ponuđenim sadržajima u potpunosti prilagođena djetetu. Unutar takve okoline dijete postaje motivirano za rad i svu svoju pažnju usmjerava na odabranu aktivnost. Uloga odrasle osobe je da u ovakvim uvjetima nauči biti suzdržana i strpljiva te djetetu ponudi indirektnu pomoć ili dodatni poticaj. Ukoliko dijete negativno djeluje na svoju okolinu, ključno je intervenirati da bi se spriječilo ugrožavanje tuđe slobode, reda i mira.
Dijete mora poznavati određene granice, no one mu se ne smiju prisilno nametati. Djetetova aktivnost treba u svakom slučaju zamijeniti njegovu pasivnost. Kako bi pravilno razvila svoje vještine i sposobnosti, djeca moraju biti potpuno koncentrirana na svoj rad. Iz koncentracije se ''rađaju'' Montessori fenomeni – polarizacija i normalizacija pažnje – koji predstavljaju temelj za ostvarenje samodiscipline.
Disciplina se pojavljuje spontano i ne zahtijeva djelovanje odrasle osobe ukoliko su djetetu omogućeni svi uvjeti potrebni za slobodan razvoj. Dijete koje ima mogućnost slobodnog izbora i slobodnog djelovanja je sposobno svu svoju pažnju usmjeriti isključivo na ono što je korisno za njegov razvoj, čime se izbjegava svaki potencijalni disciplinski problem.
Abstract (english) Montessori education has developed out of the need for improvement of the traditional education methods. Throughout her life, the founder of this alternative teaching method, Maria Montessori, spent a lot of time observing children and their behavior. By taking all of her acknowledgments into consideration, she concluded that respecting a child’s inner needs and real interests, instead of using extrinsic motivation, is crucial for its improvement. She came up with a list of special educational principles which must be respected while working with children.
In order for the child to develop into a whole person, it is necessary to allow it freedom and independence in the process of growth. A child is born with innate potentials which need to be recognized and encouraged during special sensitive periods. The environment in which the child grows up must be thoughtfully prepared, with teaching materials and furniture that is completely adjusted to it. Being a part of an environment like that makes the child motivated for work and focused on the chosen activity. Adults should learn how to be restrained and patient in these conditions, and offer the child indirect help or an extra stimulus if it is needed. If a child acts disruptive towards its environment, an adult must step in in order to stop threatening someone else’s freedom, order, and peace.
A child must know certain boundaries, but they should not be forcefully imposed. A child should always be active, instead of passive. To be able to develop their skills and abilities, children must be fully focused on their work. Polarization and normalization of attention evolve from concentration and they represent the base of self-discipline.
Discipline occurs spontaneously and does not require the activity of a grown-up if all of the conditions for a child’s independent development are fulfilled. A child who is allowed to choose and act freely becomes able to focus all of its attention on aspects that are important for the process of self-growth. Therefore, all of the potential discipline problems are avoided.
Montessori pedagogija
Keywords (english)
Montessori pedagogy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:193508
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduated university study with english language and german language; specializations in: English language, Deutsche sprache Course: English language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-15 09:32:14