Abstract | U ovome radu govori se o izvanučioničkoj nastavi Prirode i društva te svim
njezinim oblicima, podjelama i zadaćama. Ukratko je opisan razvoj
izvanučioničke nastave kroz povijest te se navode potrebne kompetencije
učitelja za organizaciju i izvođenje takvog oblika nastave. Nadalje, razmotreni
su svi pozitivni aspekti nastave izvan učionice, ali su i navedene neke od
poteškoća koje se mogu pojaviti prilikom njezinog organiziranja i provođenja.
Također, u radu su detaljno opisane pojedine etape izvanučioničke nastave
Prirode i društva te što se u pojedinim etapama ostvaruje i očekuje, kako od
učitelja tako i od učenika. Jedan dio rada u potpunosti je posvećen školi u prirodi
te njezinoj organizaciji. Na samom kraju teorijskog dijela rada razmatra se
Kurikulum za nastavni predmet Prirode i društva te se navode odgojnoobrazovni ishodi učenja koji se preporučuju ostvariti putem izvanučioničke
U empirijskom dijelu rada predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja čiji je cilj bio
ispitati spoznaje i vještine te mišljenja i interes studenata - budućih učitelja za
organizaciju i provođenje izvanučioničke nastave Prirode i društva. U
istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 153 studenta četvrte i pete godine Učiteljskog
fakulteta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje se provodilo anketnim upitnikom koji se
sastojao od pet dijelova. U svakom dijelu upitnika zasebno ispitivala su se znanja
i mišljenja o izvanučioničkoj nastavi Prirode i društva te samoprocjena
sposobnosti i interesa studenata za organizaciju i provedbu izvanučioničke
nastave Prirode i društva.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da studenti Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
posjeduju vrlo visoku razinu znanja o izvanučioničkoj nastavi te se osjećaju vrlo
sposobnima i kompetentnima za njezinu organizaciju i provođenje. Također,
istraživanje je pokazalo kako su studenti svjesni svih prednosti i pozitivnih
učinaka izvanučioničke nastave te im je upravo zbog toga interes za njezino
provođenje vrlo velik. |
Abstract (english) | This paper discusses outdoor education in Science and Social studies classes,
along with all its forms, divisions, and aims. The development of outdoor
education through history is briefly described, and there are stated some of the
necessary competencies of teachers for the organization and implementation of
such form of teaching. Furthermore, all the positive aspects of teaching outside
the classroom are mentioned, as well as some of the difficulties that may arise
during its organization and implementation. Also, this paper describes the
individual stages of outdoor teaching in detail, and what is expected in every
stage from both teachers and students. One part of the paper is entirely dedicated
to the school in nature and its organization. At the very end of the theoretical
part of the paper, the Curriculum for the Science and Social studies classes is
discussed as well as the learning outcomes that are recommended to be achieved
through outdoor education.
The empirical part of the paper presents the results of research which aim was to
examine knowledge, skills, opinions, and interests of students - future teachers
for the organization and implementation of outdoor education in Science and
Social studies classes. The participants of this research were fourth-and fifthyear students of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb. The research was
conducted with a questionnaire consisting of five parts. In each part of the
questionnaire, the knowledge, opinions, self-assessment of competencies, and
student teachers' interest in outdoor education were examined separately.
The results of the research showed that students of the Faculty of Teacher
Education in Zagreb have a very high level of knowledge about outdoor
education, and due to that, they feel very capable and competent for its
organization and implementation. Also, the research showed that students are
aware of all the advantages and positive effects of outdoor education, which is
why their interest in its implementation is very high. |