Abstract | Alternativne pedagogije koje su ponudile drugačija pedagoška rješenja, metode i pristupe od onih ustaljenih tradicionalnih sveprisutne su još od početka 20. stoljeća diljem svijeta. Pedagozi su osmislili bolja i primjerenija didaktička rješenja od dotadašnjih s aktivnijom ulogom učenika. Ovim radom nastoji se približiti koncept određenih alternativnih pedagogija i njihovih utemeljitelja, s posebnim naglaskom na Montessori pedagogiju čiji elementi su prikazani kao mogućnost implementacije u primarno obrazovanje. Osim Montessori pedagogije, navedene su teorijske postavke i didaktičko-metodičke posebnosti Freinetovog odgoja i škole rada, pedagoška načela Jena-plana u kojemu se ističe obiteljska atmosfera. Također su objašnjene pedagoške osnove waldorfskih škola u kojima se važnost pridaje ritmu, nastavi po epohama, umjetničkom odgoju te temeljna pedagoška načela Summerhill škole koja se ističe po potpunoj slobodi djece. Zajedničke sastavnice ovih alternativnih pedagogija su prvenstveno drugačija uloga učenika koji je aktivan i u središtu nastavnog procesa, kao i samostalan rad učenika, poticajna okolina, ispunjenje od fizičkih preko emocionalnih do intelektualnih i društvenih potreba djece, sloboda u širem značenju te poštivanje djece kao individua i njihovih interesa. Time se automatski mijenja i uloga učitelja koji bi prema ovim pedagogijama trebao biti inicijator i usmjerivač, smanjiti frontalnu nastavu na najmanju moguću mjeru, poticati suradnju među učenicima kao i učenje rukama te istraživanjem, koristiti razne materijale, strategije i metode u organizaciji nastave i samog učenja te nastojati bolje pripremiti djecu za život u društvu. Samim prikazom svih alternativnih rješenja može se zaključiti kako cjelokupna organizacija i koncept nastave nije isti kao u državnim školama. Svrha rada je prikazati kako se razna načela alternativnih pedagogija i konkretno elementi Montessori pedagogije mogu implementirati u državne škole čime one mogu dostići novu, bolju dimenziju. |
Abstract (english) | Alternative pedagogies that have offered different pedagogical solutions, methods and approaches than the established traditional ones have been ubiquitous since the early 20th century all around the world. Pedagogues have devised better and more appropriate didactic solutions than the previous ones with a more active role of students. This paper seeks to approximate the concept of certain alternative pedagogies and their founders, with special emphasis on Montessori pedagogy whose elements are presented as a possibility of implementation in primary education. In addition to Montessori pedagogy, the theoretical assumptions and didactic-methodological peculiarities of Freinet's upbringing and school of work, pedagogical principles of the Jena Plan in which the family atmosphere is emphasized are given. The pedagogical bases of Waldorf schools are also explained, in which importance is given to rhythm, teaching by epochs, art education, as well as the basic pedagogical principles of the Summerhill school, which stands out for the complete freedom of children. Common components of these alternative pedagogies are primarily a different role of students who are active and in the centre of the teaching process, as well as independent work of students, stimulating environment, fulfillment of physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs of children, freedom in the broadest sense and respect for children as individuals and their interest. This automatically changes the role of teachers who, according to these pedagogies, should be the initiator and moderator, reduce frontal teaching to a minimum, encourage cooperation among students as well as learning by hand and research, use various materials, strategies and methods in organizing class and learning, as well as strive to better prepare children for life in society. By presenting all the alternative solutions, it can be concluded that the overall organization and concept of teaching is not the same as in public schools. The purpose of this paper is to show how various principles of alternative pedagogies and specifically elements of the Montessori pedagogy can be implemented in public schools so that they can reach a new, better dimension. |