Abstract | Brojna istraživanja potvrđuju značaj igre na otvorenom za psihofizički razvoj djeteta rane predškolske dobi, naglašavaju razvoj motoričkih vještina i sposobnosti,socijalnih odnosa, kreativnosti, koncentracije, samopouzdanja i emocionalnih kompetencija itd. Dijete u prirodnom okruženju nalazi mnoštvo multisenzornih poticaja za istraživanje, zadovoljava svoju prirodnu potrebu za kretanjem, koja je temelj cjelovitog razvoja djeteta. Spontane igre na otvorenom omogućavaju djetetu zadovoljenje temeljnih životnih potreba a to su moć, sloboda, nepredvidivost, zabava, samoaktualizacija koje intrinzično potiču dijete na sudjelovanje.
U ovom radu se nastojala prikazati važnost boravka djeteta na otvorenom, doprinos spontanih motoričkih igara cjelokupnom razvoju djeteta. Obilježje suvremenog djetinjstva su između ostalog prezaštićivanje djeteta u svim segmentima, smanjeno kretanje djece, sputavanje djece u motoričkim igrama, te institualizacija djetinjstva. Upravo ta povećana potreba za boravkom djeteta u ustanovama ranog razvoja stavlja veliku odgovornost na odgojitelje i pomno planiranje boravka djece na otvorenom.
Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu je bio ispitati stav i mišljenje odgojitelja o spontanim igrama na otvorenom prilikom boravka na zraku. Istraživanjem se nastojalo saznati kakvi su uvjeti boravka na zraku u ustanovama za rani razvoj i odgoj djece. Koje igre djeca najčešće spontano biraju, te stav odgojitelja naspram njih. Koliko zapravo odgojitelji podržavaju takve igre ili zbog straha za sigurnost sputavaju djecu u spontanim igrama. |
Abstract (english) | Numerous studies confirm the importance of outdoor play for the psychophysical development of an early preschool child, emphasizing the development of motor skills and abilities, social relationships, creativity, concentration, self-confidence and emotional competencies, etc. The child, in his natural environment, finds many multisensory stimuli for exploring and satisfies his need for movement, which is the foundation of a child’s holistic development. Spontaneous outdoor games enable the child to meet the basic needs of life, which are power, freedom, unpredictability, fun, self-actualization that intrinsically encourage the child to participate.
This paper tried to show the importance of the child's outdoor stay and the contribution of spontaneous motor games to the overall development of the child. Characteristic of modern childhood are, among other things, overprotection of the child in all segments, reduced movement of children, restraint of children in motor games, and the institutionalization of childhood. It is this increased need for a child's stay in an early development institution that places a great responsibility on educators and the obligation to carefully plan children's outdoor stay.
The aim of the research in this paper was to examine the stand and opinion of educators about spontaneous outdoor games during their outdoor stay. The research sought to find out what are the conditions for outdoor stay in institutions for early development and upbringing of children. Which games do children most often choose spontaneously, and educators view towards them, how much do educators actually support such games or do they restrain the children in spontaneous games in fear for their safety. |